Construction of Knowledge about Sholawat among "Bhenning" Recitation Members in Situbondo
This study explains the construction of knowledge among members of the Sholawat Bhenning Community in Situbondo. By using social construction theory, this research describes the reality of the community based on the experience of the Bhenning prayer members. The research method used was qualitative, with in-depth interviews toward members of Sholawat Bhenning. The results of this study are the participation of members in the prayer activities carried out by the Bhenning group has changed bad behavior into good behavior. Members have many reasons to join the Sholawat Bhenning community. 1) Members want to learn about theater; 2) Members were fascinated by Karisma Kyai Aza Ibrahimy, 3) Members wished to gain knowledge from the group of Sholawat Bhenning; 4) members wanted to get merit from Allah Subhanahu wata'ala. Finally, their participation was supported by their friends.
Keywords: "Bhenning" prayer, Social Construction, youth, motivation involved, behavior change
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