• Social Relation and Change
    Vol 13 No 1 (2024)

    The Journal of Entitas Sosiologi (JES) provides space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of sociology studies. This journal also provides space for various perspectives in sociology, especially for developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this edition, the Journal of Entitas Sosiologi (JES) presents the theme of social relation and change. The first article, Dramaturgy of Actors in the Poboya Mine Conflict in Palu City. The second article focuses on the Structural Embeddedness in Social Entrepreneurship in BUMG Tanjong, Lhoknga District, Aceh Besar Regency. The third article Explores the Symbolic Meaning of Angkringan in Ponorogo from the Economic Perspective of Sellers and Buyers; the fourth article on the Strategy of Strengthening the Capacity of Elementary School Students for Disaster Preparedness by the Non-Governmental Organisation JEMARI Sakato; the fifth article on the Impact of Transitioning the Role of Parents to Grandparents on the Social Life of Teenager and the last article on the Interaction of the Elderly at Rumah Bahagia Bintan Riau Islands. In general, these articles discuss Social Relation and Change. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) accepts articles in the form of research results, studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and enrichment of sociology-based science.

  • Social Life and Its Complexity
    Vol 12 No 2 (2023)

    The Journal of Sociological Entities (JES) is a space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of Sociology studies. This journal also provides space for various perspectives in sociology, especially in developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this issue, the Journal of Sociological Entities (JES) presents the theme of Social Life and Its Complexity. The first article, about Coping Strategies for Asset-Based Farmers after the Construction of Karangkandri Power Plant in Slarang Village Cilacap Regency. Next, the second article, about The Implementation Strategy of BUMDes from Social Inclusion Perspective. The third article Mothers' Knowledge Construction of Stunted Toddlers in Addressing Stunting Phenomenon in Jatisari Village; The fourth article The Company's Contribution through the Corporate Social Responsibility Program in Handling Stunting Problems in Kalimantan; The fifth article is about Community Practices in Continuing Children's Education in Cigondang Village, Labuan District, Pandeglang Regency and the last article is about The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Organizational Culture as a Mediation Variable in Pamekasan’ UMKM . In general, the article narrates about Social Life and Its Complexity. The Sociological Entity Journal (JES) accepts articles in the form of research results, studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and the enrichment of sociology-based knowledge.

  • Family, Resiliency and Social Media
    Vol 12 No 1 (2023)

    The Journal of Sociological Entities (JES) is a space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of Sociology studies. This journal also provides space for various perspectives in sociology, especially in developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this issue, the Journal of Sociological Entities (JES) presents the theme of Family, Resiliency and Social Media. The first article, about Women's Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Curug Jenggala Tourism Object, Baturraden, Banyumas. Next, the second article, about The Influence of Social Media on Sharenting Practices that Lead to Child Exploitation. The third article Social Movement: Puger Farmers' Resistance to Irrigation Canal Relocation by PT Semen Imasco Asiatic; The fourth article The Effect Of Peer Association On Cyberbullying Behavior In Generation Z; The fifth article is about Harmonious Relationships with God, Nature, and Humans in the View of the Gunung Kawi Kejawen Group of Believers and the last article is about The Family Dramaturgi of Remarriage in Probolinggo City. In general, the article narrates about Industry and the Reality of Today's Society. The Sociological Entity Journal (JES) accepts articles in the form of research results, studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and the enrichment of sociology-based knowledge.

  • The Industry and The Realities of Today's Society
    Vol 11 No 2 (2022)

    The Journal of Sociological Entities (JES) is a space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of Sociology studies. This journal also provides space for various perspectives in sociology, especially in developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this issue, the Journal of Sociological Entities (JES) presents the theme of Industry and the Reality of Today's Society. The first article, about the Café and the Social Identity of the Millennial Generation in Surabaya. Next, the second article, about Structural Functional Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges of Central Java to Become a Center for Small and Medium Coconut Processing Industries. The third article Analysis of Aspects of Hegemony and Socio-Economic Domination in the 'Squid Game' Series; The fourth article The Reality of Inter-religious Harmony in the Ngepeh Hamlet Community, Ngoro District, Jombang Regency; The fifth article is about Agricultural Information Seeking Behavior by Farmers in Kandanghaur District, Indramayu Regency and the last article is about Social Exchange in the Home Industry of Tofu in Patemon Village. In general, the article narrates about Industry and the Reality of Today's Society. The Sociological Entity Journal (JES) accepts articles in the form of research results, studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and the enrichment of sociology-based knowledge.

  • Social Movement and Volunteerism
    Vol 11 No 1 (2022)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES)  is a space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of Sociology studies. This journal also provides spaces for various perspectives in sociology, especially in developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this issue, Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) presents the theme of Social Movement and Volunteerism. The first article discusses the efforts of Sero fishermen in maintaining a sustainable economy in Kabatmantren Hamlet, Muncar district, Banyuwangi regency. The second article is strengthening the value of industrial agriculture of Vocational School students in Jember regency. The third article is about the Sewu-Sewu Ae Movement: The real role of youth in reducing the effects of the pandemic of Covid-19. The fourth article explains the impact of using Whatsapp social media on social interaction of the Lok Batu Village community, Balangan regency. The fifth article is the Grebeg Sedekah Community, the new social movement as a movement for social concern, and the sixth article discuses community preparedness for Banjir Bandang disaster: A study on the role of DESTANA in Suci Village, Jember. In general, the article narrates social movements and volunteerism in society. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) accepts articles in the form of empirical based research, literature-review based studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and the enrichment of sociology-based knowledge

  • Family and Livelihood
    Vol 10 No 02 (2021)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) is a space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of Sociology studies. This journal also provides spaces for various perspectives in sociology, especially in developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this issue, Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) presents the theme of family and livelihood. The first article is family social support for the elderly study: meeting the needs of the elderly in Dadapan village. Next, the second article discusses the power relations of single parent (An analysis of discourse on the life of three single parents in Jiwan village, Madiun regency). The third article showcases the family life of a pedicab driver in Jember. The fourth article focuses on Green-Found Farming Community strategies in Gayam Dama village in facing drought ecological vulnerability. The fifth article talks about the existence of Aboge Islamic religious activities during the pandemic period in Probolinggo regency, while the sixth article is about communicative ratio of Arum Sari Farmer Groups with Corteva Agriscience Indonesia on Married Corn Commodities. In general, the article narrates Family and Livelihood. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) accepts articles in the form of empirical based research, literature-review based studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and the enrichment of sociology-based knowledge.

  • Farmer, Politics and Market
    Vol 10 No 01 (2021)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) is a space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of Sociology studies. This journal also provides space for various perspectives in sociology, especially in developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this issue, Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) presents the themes of Farmers, Politics, and Markets. The first article showcases the story of three Gurem farmer families: dynamics of land tenure and degeneration of farmers in Karangrejo village, Jember regency. Next, the second article is about the distribution network and cabbage market relations in the Ijen Plateau. The third article discusses farmers and politics: perspectives of ideal leaders for farming communities in Randuagung village, Lumajang regency. The fourth article is on vertical social mobility of coffee farmers in Kenorejo village, Kalibiru district, Banyuwangi. The fifth article talks about socio-cultural consequences in conversion of sugar cane agricultural commodities to rice farming in Asembagus village, Situbondo, and the last article is about sweet potato farmers' rationality in Tlogosari Hamlet, Banyuwangi. In general, the article narrates Farmers, Politics, and Markets. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) accepts articles in the form of empirical based research, literature-review based studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and the enrichment of sociology-based knowledge.

  • Environment and Society
    Vol 9 No 02 (2020)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) is a space for the dissemination of ideas within the scope of Sociology studies. This journal also provides space for various perspectives in sociology, especially in developing ideas that can encourage the transformation of society towards an advanced and sustainable society. In this issue, Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) presents the theme of Self-Concept and Society. The first article is about the practice of Nglurup village community agency in forest co-management with the community. The second article discusses social construction of marble miners regarding the environment "Tulungagung Indonesian Marble Industry" in Tulungagung regency. The third article is about Volunteers Goes To School (Vogetos): Disaster mitigation campaign tools in schools. The fourth article focuses on the social and economic impact of tourist visits in Lombok Kulon Organic Tourism village, Bondowoso for local communities. The fifth article is community resilience after the flash flood disaster in Alasmalang village, Banyuwangi. The sixth article reports social exchange: a study on water management in Ampelan village, Wringin district, Bondowoso regency. In general, the article narrates the Environment and Society. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) accepts articles in the form of empirical based research, literature-review based studies, and book reviews that support the dissemination of ideas and the enrichment of sociology-based knowledge.

  • Life Style and Tourism Life Style and Tourism
    Vol 9 No 1 (2020)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) merupakan ruang bagi diseminasi gagasan dalam lingkup kajian Sosiologi. Jurnal ini  juga memberi ruang pada berbagai perspektif dalam sosiologi khususnya dalam mengembangkan ide-ide yang dapat mendorong transformasi masyarakat menuju masyarakat yang maju dan berkelanjutan. Dalam edisi ini Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi menghadirkan tema gaya hidup dan perkembangan pariwisata. Artikel pertama, berjudul pembawa pesan terdepan: diaspora dalam gastro diplomasi Indonesia. Selanjutnya, Artikel kedua, tentang dinamika war of position dalam pengembangan wisata syariah di Pulau Santen Banyuwangi. Artikel ketiga mengenai Arisan Thalia: gaya hidup para sosialita Jember. Adapun artikel keempat adalah revitalisasi modal sosial dalam pengelolaan wisata Raung Tubing Adventure Desa Sumberbulus Kecamatan Ledokombo Kabupaten Jember. Kemudian di artikel kelima tentang internalisasi nilai kemandirian pada anak-anak Komunitas Tanoker di Jember dan artikel terakhir tentang dampak ekonomi pengembangan agrowisata pada pekerja Perkebunan PTPN XII Sirah Kencong Blitar. Secara umum, artikel-artikel tersebut menarasikan gaya hidup dan juga perkembangan pariwisata. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) menerima artikel berupa hasil riset, kajian, dan review buku yang mendukung penyebaran gagasan dan pengkayaan pengetahuan berbasis sosiologi.

  • Identity And Culture
    Vol 8 No 2 (2019)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) merupakan ruang bagi diseminasi gagasan dalam lingkup kajian Sosiologi. Jurnal ini  juga memberi ruang pada berbagai perspektif dalam sosiologi khususnya dalam mengembangkan ide-ide yang dapat mendorong transformasi masyarakat menuju masyarakat yang maju dan berkelanjutan. Dalam edisi ini Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi menghadirkan tema Identitas dan Budaya. Artikel pertama,  Mitos maskulitas dalam iklan L.Men gain mass. Selanjutnya, Artikel kedua, konstruksi pengetahuan tentang sholawat di kalangan anggota Sholawat Bhening Di Situbondo. Artikel ketiga mengenai dukun pandhita dan pelestarian budaya lokal. Artikel keempat, ruang negosiasi seksual perempuan dalam marital rape di Kabupaten Jember. Artikel kelima, Dilema petani: pengejaran keuntungan atau bertahan dalam pertanian buah naga. Artikel keenam membahas mengenai konstruksi pengetahuan siswa mengenai bencana melalui kurikulum 13 di Kabupaten Jember. Secara umum, artikel tersebut menarasikan konstruksi identitas dan budaya. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) menerima artikel berupa hasil riset, kajian, dan review buku yang mendukung penyebaran gagasan dan pengkayaan pengetahuan berbasis sosiologi

  • The Knowledge Construction of Society
    Vol 8 No 1 (2019)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) merupakan ruang bagi diseminasi gagasan dalam lingkup kajian Sosiologi. Jurnal ini  juga memberi ruang pada berbagai perspektif dalam sosiologi khususnya dalam mengembangkan ide-ide yang dapat mendorong transformasi masyarakat menuju masyarakat yang maju dan berkelanjutan. Dalam edisi ini Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi menghadirkan tema konstruksi pengetahuan masyarakat. Artikel pertama, tentang strategi bertahan hidup petani tadah hujan Dusun Koanyar Klabang Bondowoso. Artikel kedua, tentang asketisme sebagai factor pendorong pernikahan. Artikel ketiga, tentang Konstruksi pengetahuan tentang sholawat pada anggota pengajian sholawat “Bhenning” Situbondo. Artikel keempat, tentang persepsi tentang praktek kesetaraan gender pada karyawan CV Milzam Multi Sejahtera Jember. Artikel kelima, tentang analisis isi buku teks pelajaran sosiologi menggunakan taksonomi bloom di SMAN 1 Unggulan Indralaya Utama. Kemudian, Artikel terakhir tentang konstruksi kesadaran buruh tentang hak buruh. Secara umum, artikel tersebut menarasikan konstruksi pengetahuan masyrakat, Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) menerima artikel berupa hasil riset, kajian, dan review buku yang mendukung penyebaran gagasan dan pengkayaan pengetahuan berbasis sosiologi.

  • The Self and Society
    Vol 7 No 2 (2018)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) merupakan ruang bagi diseminasi gagasan dalam lingkup kajian Sosiologi. Jurnal ini  juga memberi ruang pada berbagai perspektif dalam sosiologi khususnya dalam mengembangkan ide-ide yang dapat mendorong transformasi masyarakat menuju masyarakat yang maju dan berkelanjutan. Dalam edisi ini Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi menghadirkan tema konsep diri dan masyarakat. Artikel pertama, tentang sahabat pasien dalam me-reinterpretasi sakit di rumah sakit. Selanjutnya, Artikel kedua, tentang konsep diri mahasiswa bidikmisi di Universitas Jember. Artikel ketiga mengenai perilaku merokok pada anak usia sekolah , Artikel keempat membahas tentang tata kelola oleh HIPPA “Tirtosari” di Desa Kesambirampak Kecamatan Kapongan Kabupaten Situbondo. Artikel kelima. Artikel kelima tentang Strategi Gerakan Forum Peduli Tanah Pusaka Dalam Mendirikan Desa Adat Di Desa Grajagan Banyuwangi, dan berikutnya artikel terakhir tentang Reorientasi Status sebagai Pemaknaan Pendidikan Anak bagi Petani Jeruk di Sambimulyo, Banyuwangi. Secara umum, artikel tersebut menarasikan konsep diri dan masyarakat, Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) menerima artikel berupa hasil riset, kajian, dan review buku yang mendukung penyebaran gagasan dan pengkayaan pengetahuan berbasis sosiologi.

  • The Social Construction of Women in Society
    Vol 7 No 1 (2018)

    Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) merupakan ruang bagi diseminasi gagasan dalam lingkup kajian Sosiologi. Jurnal ini  juga memberi ruang pada berbagai perspektif dalam sosiologi khususnya dalam mengembangkan ide-ide yang dapat mendorong transformasi masyarakat menuju masyarakat yang maju dan berkelanjutan. Dalam edisi ini Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi menghadirkan tema konsep diri dan masyarakat. Artikel pertama, pengorganisasian kelompok ekonomi mikro melalui kelompok pemberdayaan perempuan. Selanjutnya, Artikel kedua, konstruksi sosial hafidzah alqur'an di kabupaten jember. Artikel ketiga mengenai partisipasi perempuan dalam aksi penolakan pertambangan Gunung Tumpangpitu. Artikel keempat, Agensi kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir bandang dan tanah longsor. Artikel kelima, mengenai strategi petani organik dalam mempertahankan keberlanjutan pertanian organik di Desa Rowosari Kabupaten Jember. Dan Artikel keenam membahas mengenai artikulasi jamban sehat Di Desa Kaburan Bondowoso. Secara umum, artikel tersebut menarasikan konstruksi sosial perempuan di masyarakat. Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi (JES) menerima artikel berupa hasil riset, kajian, dan review buku yang mendukung penyebaran gagasan dan pengkayaan pengetahuan berbasis sosiologi.


1 - 18 of 18 items