Smoking Behaviour in School Age Children: a Case Study on student of Vocational School in Panji District Situbondo Regency
Smoking behavior in school-age children is a form of deviation from school regulations. This behavior results from interactions with the environment, especially with people who have consumed cigarettes. The main reasons teenagers smokes are curiosity in cigarettes and the desire to express men's identity through smoking. Families and peer groups generally provide a supportive environment for adolescents to smoke. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe smoking behavior in school-age children. The research method uses descriptive, qualitative methods with purposive sampling techniques. This study found that families permit adolescents to smoke, and their schools do not strictly regulate smoking. Keywords: Smoking Behavior, Reasons for Smoking, Deviant Behavior.
Keywords: Smoking Behavior, Reasons for Smoking, Deviant Behavior
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