Organizing Micro Economic Scale through Women Empowerment Group (Descriptive Study in Pesanggrahan Village)

  • Andita Uzlifatil Jannah University of jember
  • Joko Mulyono University of jember


The unemployment problem is triggered by the imbalance of job opportunities and the number of job seekers, especially in rural areas. Besides, restrictions on working women based on customs and norms in the village make it difficult for women to find work. The view that women should focus on domestic and family matters. It limits women to work to help improve the family economy. Thus, empowerment for women through community empowerment group is needed to be able to carry out economic activities without having to leave their duties as a housewife. The theoretical framework of this study is the theory of liberal feminism gender based on women's freedom and equality. This study uses a qualitative method and purposive sampling. Data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are that empowering women can do business on a micro-scale to help increase family income; Also, this research explains about equality between women and men, and forms of women's participation, democracy, transparency, and accountability in women's empowerment programs.

Keywords: Self-help groups, Gender equality, government programs


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How to Cite
JANNAH, Andita Uzlifatil; MULYONO, Joko. Organizing Micro Economic Scale through Women Empowerment Group (Descriptive Study in Pesanggrahan Village). Jurnal ENTITAS SOSIOLOGI, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 1-8, feb. 2018. ISSN 2721-3323. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: