The Strategy of Tanah Pusaka Care Forum Movement in Creating Adat Village in Grajakan Village Banyuwangi Regency

  • Deky Yoga Irawan University of jember
  • Akhmad Ganefo University of jember


The phenomenon of social movement in Tanah Pusaka region locates in Grajagan village of Banyuwangi regency. The campaign appeared due to Tanah Pusaka community sense of injustice in Grajagan village regarding the land status that they used. This research aims to know and to describe what form of movement strategy and what obstacles in implementing the strategy for struggling. This study used the theory of resource mobilization as well as the method used was descriptive qualitative located in Tanah Pusaka Grajagan village Purwoharjo district of Banyuwangi regency. The research results obtained that the group of Tanah Pusaka Care Forum was formed due to injustice felt by the community of Tanah Pusaka regarding the right status of land ownership. Thus, Tanah Pusaka Care Forum became a social group striving for community goals of Tanah Pusaka community, namely, establishing the indigenous villages in the region of Tanah Pusaka, and creating the prosperous citizens of Tanah Pusaka. Tanah Pusaka Care Forum, organized, attached ideology, gave identity and mobilized the resources. Several strategies that used in maintaining their awareness and developing their networks are field action, lobbying, members’ consolidation, istighosah, mapping the area, and regeneration. The obstacles experienced by Tanah Pusaka Care Forum in the form of the weakening from the external and appearing the restlessness from internal in Tanah Pusaka Care Forum.

Keywords: indigenous villager, social movement strategy, and Tanah Pusaka Care Forum.


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How to Cite
IRAWAN, Deky Yoga; GANEFO, Akhmad. The Strategy of Tanah Pusaka Care Forum Movement in Creating Adat Village in Grajakan Village Banyuwangi Regency. Jurnal ENTITAS SOSIOLOGI, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 49-58, aug. 2018. ISSN 2721-3323. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 july 2024. doi: