Pengaruh Modul Berbantuan Alat Peraga Berbasis Hidrolik Pada Materi Fluida Statis Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Kelas XI SMAN 16 MEDAN

Pengaruh Modul Berbantuan Alat Peraga Berbasis Hidrolik Pada Materi Fluida Statis Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Kelas XI SMAN 16 MEDAN

  • Dwi Atika Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
  • Syahwin Syahwin
  • Rachmat Rizaldi
  • Sheila Fitriana
  • Nana Mardiana
  • Tri Astuti Mardiana


This research aims to determine the effect of using a module assisted by hydraulic-based teaching aids in static fluid material on the science process skills of class XI students. This research was carried out at SMAN 16 Medan for 1 week in November 2023 with a sample of 70 students. The research method used is a quasi-experimental research design with a monequivalent control group design. The sample was selected by purposive sampling from 206 class XI science students. The data collection technique used the science process skills test. The sample was divided into two groups, namely the control group and the experimental group. The results of the posttest hypothesis test with the t test at α = 0.05 obtained a sig value. (2-tailed) of 0.000 with the conclusion H_1 being accepted (there is an influence of the use of modules assisted by hydraulic-based teaching aids in static fluid material on the science process skills. The increase in science process skills in the experimental class was 16.18%.

Keywords :Module, Teching Aids, Hydraulics, Static Fluid, Science Process Skil


How to Cite
ATIKA, Dwi et al. Pengaruh Modul Berbantuan Alat Peraga Berbasis Hidrolik Pada Materi Fluida Statis Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Kelas XI SMAN 16 MEDAN. JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 4, p. 220-227, dec. 2024. ISSN 2721-1959. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 25 jan. 2025. doi:

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