Jurnal ILMU DASAR (JID) is a national peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes research papers encompasses all aspects of natural sciences including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology JID publishes 2 issues in 1 volume per year. First published, volume 1 issue 1, in January 2000 and avalaible in electronically since 2012. Jurnal ILMU DASAR is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI), No. 200/M/KPT/2020 (December. 23, 2020). All accepted manuscripts will be published worldwide JID has been indexed in: 
Jurnal ILMU DASAR has been collaborated in Konsorsium Biologi Indonesia and Himpunan Kimia Indonesia since 2017.

Authors Index:
Ahmad Kamsyakawuni, 53; Alan Prahutama, 47; Alfian Futuhul Hadi, 19; Andi Hairil Alimuddin, 39; Anis Shofiyani, 39; Annisa Rahmita S., 33; Bambang Piluharto, 25; Darso Sugiono, 1; Dian Anggraeni, 53; Dwi Ispriyanti, 47; Eka Rahmawati Syaidah , 7; Endarko, 61; Fara Chitra , 39; Intan Syahbanu, 25; Lidia Maziyyatun Nikmah, 13;  Lutfi Afifah, 1; Lutvia Citra Ramadhani, 53; Mahriani,13; Mohamad Fatekurohman, 19; Nova Hariani, 7; Rudiyansyah, 39; Sadjidon, 33; Siti Rabi’atul Adawiyah, 61; Sudarko, 25; Sunarsini, 33; Suparti, 47; Sus Trimurti, 7; Susantin Fajariyah, 13; Syahrul Khairi, 25; Tiani Wahyu Utami, 47; Toto Hermanto, 25; Veniola Forestryani, 19; Winda Rahmalia, 39.

Published: 2019-01-23
