Case Report: Ranula and Sublingual Glands Extirpation as Intraoral Ranula Procedures

  • Rizki Saputra Department Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery FK Unand/ M Djamil Hospital Padang
  • Sukri Rahman Department Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery FK Unand/ M Djamil Hospital Padang, Padang, Indonesia
  • Pamelia Mayorita Department of Pathology Anatomy FK Unand/ M Djamil Hospital Padang, Padang, Indonesia


Ranula is a cystic lesion that develops from saliva extravasation caused by trauma to the sublingual gland or the occurrence of duct blockages. The ranula is divided into intraoral (simple ranula) and plunging ranula. There are several options of methods in the management of ranulas such as sclerotherapy, marsupialization, and extirpation with or without gland removal involved, incision and drainage with intraoral approach, excision lesions with the extra-oral approach. A case of ranula was reported in a girl aged 12 years diagnosed with intraoral ranula (simple ranula). Treatment is done by performing ranula extirpation accompanied by the removal of the sublingual gland and its ducts.  The extirpation of the ranula followed by removal of the involved sublingual salivary gland gave satisfactory results with no recurrence until 1 year of follow-up on the management of intra-oral ranula.


Keywords: ranula, simple ranula, intraoral ranula


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How to Cite
SAPUTRA, Rizki; RAHMAN, Sukri; MAYORITA, Pamelia. Case Report: Ranula and Sublingual Glands Extirpation as Intraoral Ranula Procedures. Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 6-11, feb. 2022. ISSN 2714-5654. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 25 jan. 2025. doi:
Case Report Article