• Irham Rosadi
  • Sutarto Sutarto
  • Yushardi Yushardi


An assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event on physics studies is a learning assignment which serve a problem in the form of a process picture on an environmental event which is connected to physics conception and must be finished by a student by analyzing the event using the logic and realitic physics cocepts. The objectives of this research are to describe the effective physics learning using an assignment of a review analysis in the form of a process picture on an environmental event, to study the students’ learning activenes, the students’ physics test results and the retention of the physics test results of the high school students after using this assignment of a review analysis in the form of a process picture on an environmental event. The type of this research is the actions research with a research design using hopkins cycle. The samples of this research are the students of classes X MIA 1, X MIA 4, and X MIA 5 of SMA Negeri Arjasa Kabupaten Jember of the academic year 2014/2015. The method of data collection includes documentation, tests, observation, and interview. The data analysis uses an effectivity test of physics learning, activeness percentage to study the students’ activeness during learning, t-test using t-test paired samples with the help of SPSS statistic v16. in order to study the learning results, a retention test to study the strength of the assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event on cycle III which is considered to be the most effective, the students’ learning activeness can be conidered highly active, especially the component of the students’ activeness in being attentive on the teacer’s explanation and group discussion, whereas the component of asking questions is considered less active. The students’ physics study results after learning using an assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event are higher than the students’ physics study results before learning with the analysis of t-test > ttable, retention of physics study results for the three classes on every cycle using the assignment on a review analysis in the form of a process picture of an environmental event is considered strong and more motivating for the students with the study result retention can show an improvement if being compared to the post test scores.
How to Cite
ROSADI, Irham; SUTARTO, Sutarto; YUSHARDI, Yushardi. TUGAS ANALISIS WACANA DALAM BENTUK GAMBAR PROSES KEJADIAN LINGKUNGAN PADA PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA DI SMA. JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 274 - 281, dec. 2015. ISSN 2721-1959. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/JPF/article/view/2650>. Date accessed: 27 dec. 2024.

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