Keefektifan Penggunaan Media Lagu dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi Siswa Kelas VIII I SMPN 1 Jember

  • Rohmah Juwita Sari
  • Anjar Putro Utomo


The purposes of this study were to describe the effectiveness of using song media in poetry writing skill for VIII I SMP N 1 Jember students. The data of this study were from the result of poetry writing skill pre-test and post-test by using song media in VIII I SMP N 1 Jember. Based on the result of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that (1) poetry writing skill of VIII I SMP N 1 Jember students without using song media with average 58,33, and (2) poetry writing skill VIII I SMP N 1 Jember students by using song media with average 72,26.


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How to Cite
SARI, Rohmah Juwita; UTOMO, Anjar Putro. Keefektifan Penggunaan Media Lagu dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi Siswa Kelas VIII I SMPN 1 Jember. ScienceEdu, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 113-119, dec. 2019. ISSN 2685-2071. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 oct. 2024. doi: