Perbedaan Defleksi Kawat Ortodonti Nikel-Titanium dan NiTi Epoxy Resin Coated pada Perendaman dalam Saliva Buatan dan Minuman Berkarbonasi (The Difference in Deflection of Nickel Titanium Archwire and NiTi Epoxy Resin Coated Immersed by Artificial Saliva

  • Citra Ayu Mawaddah Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember
  • Leliana Sandra Devi A. P Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember
  • Dwi Prijatmoko Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember


Background: Deflection of orthodontic wire can be changed by oral condition, for example
acidic condition caused by carbonated drink consumption. Objective: to analyze the difference
in deflection of Nickel-Titanium archwire and NiTi epoxy resin coated immersed by artificial
saliva and carbonated drink. Materials and Methods: This research used four sample groups:
NiTi non coated archwire immersed by saliva, NiTi non coated archwire immersed by saliva
mixed carbonated drink, NiTi coated archwire immersed by saliva, and NiTi coated archwire
immersed by saliva mixed carbonated drink. The samples were immersed for 3.5 hours at 37° C
in incubator. The deflection was measured with Three Point Bending method using Universal
Testing Machine. Result and Conclusion: One Way Anova test result showed significantly
difference between coated and non coated group that immersed by saliva with the group
immersed by saliva mixed carbonated drink. In conclusion, the deflection of Nickel-Titanium
archwire and NiTi epoxy resin coated archwire had decreased after immersed by carbonated
drink and Nikel-Titanium archwire had higher deflection than NiTi epoxy resin coated immersed
by artificial saliva
Keywords: Carbonated Drink, Deflection Force, NiTi Archwire, NiTi Epoxy Resin Coated

How to Cite
MAWADDAH, Citra Ayu; DEVI A. P, Leliana Sandra; PRIJATMOKO, Dwi. Perbedaan Defleksi Kawat Ortodonti Nikel-Titanium dan NiTi Epoxy Resin Coated pada Perendaman dalam Saliva Buatan dan Minuman Berkarbonasi (The Difference in Deflection of Nickel Titanium Archwire and NiTi Epoxy Resin Coated Immersed by Artificial Saliva. Pustaka Kesehatan, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 519-524, aug. 2017. ISSN 2721-3218. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 feb. 2025.