Analisis Determinan Karakteristik Individu Tenaga Keperawatan dengan Kepuasan Kerja di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum dr. H. Koesnadi Bondowoso (Analysis Determinants of Individual Characteristics Nursing Staff with Job Satisfaction in The Patient Unit

  • Moh Taufiqurrahman
  • Nurfika Asmaningrum
  • Retno Purwandari


Job satisfaction is a part of the embodiment of the working attitude that is believed to bring
influence on work behavior. Job satisfaction is an affective reaction to the work is the
result of a comparison of what is happening now and what is actually expected. The study
purpose is to analyze the determinants of individual characteristics and job satisfaction of
nurses in the inpatient of dr. H. Koesnadi’s Hospital Bondowoso. The results of the study
known that the nursing staff had problems on the job satisfaction salary, promotion, and
supervision. Using analytical observational research with cross sectional approach. The
sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The population research was
nursing staff in the inpatient unit. There are 73 samples of nursing staff. The instrument
used in this research was a questionnaire. The conclusion from the research is that there
are two characteristics of individuals who are relationship with job satisfaction is no
gender relations and the position and job satisfaction in the inpatient unit of dr. H.
Koesnadi’s Hospital Bondowoso.

Keywords: individual characteristics, job satisfaction, nursing services

Author Biographies

Moh Taufiqurrahman
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Jember
Nurfika Asmaningrum
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Jember
Retno Purwandari
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Jember
How to Cite
TAUFIQURRAHMAN, Moh; ASMANINGRUM, Nurfika; PURWANDARI, Retno. Analisis Determinan Karakteristik Individu Tenaga Keperawatan dengan Kepuasan Kerja di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum dr. H. Koesnadi Bondowoso (Analysis Determinants of Individual Characteristics Nursing Staff with Job Satisfaction in The Patient Unit. Pustaka Kesehatan, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 507-514, sep. 2014. ISSN 2721-3218. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 feb. 2025.