Hubungan Tipe Kepribadian dengan Perilaku Seksual Berisiko Remaja di SMKN “X” Jember (The Correlation of Personality Type with Risk Sexual Behavior of Adolescence at SMKN "X" Jember)

  • Alvivo Darma Chandra
  • Iis Rahmawati
  • Ratna Sari Hardiani


Adolescent is a period of transition from child to adult. Change of adolescent is sign with the
sexual organs. Adolescent not only identified the physical changes, but also the psychological.
One of that is risk sexual behavior in adolescent, Risk behavior sexual can bring consequences
that unwanted abortion, pregnancy outside of marriage, of contracting sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs), and HIV / AIDS. One of the factors that influence adolescent sexual behavior
is personality which consists of extrovert and introvert. The purpose of this research was to
determine the correlation of personality types with risk adolescent sexual behavior. This
research design was a descriptive analytic study using cross-sectional approach. The samples
are 68 respondents,Sampling technique used multistage random sampling. The instrument
used a questionnaire sheet. Analysis of bivariate data used chi square test showed that the
value of ρ value = 0.001 (<α=0.05) and odd ratio (OR) = 7,556, so it can be concluded that
there is a correlation between personality type with risk sexual behavior of adolescence at
SMKN "X" Jember. This research suggested to the health employee is to promote reproduction
of sexual education for decrease risk sexual behavior.

Keywords: Personality Type, Risk Sexual Behavior, Adolescent

Author Biographies

Alvivo Darma Chandra
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Jember
Iis Rahmawati
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Jember
Ratna Sari Hardiani
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Jember
How to Cite
CHANDRA, Alvivo Darma; RAHMAWATI, Iis; HARDIANI, Ratna Sari. Hubungan Tipe Kepribadian dengan Perilaku Seksual Berisiko Remaja di SMKN “X” Jember (The Correlation of Personality Type with Risk Sexual Behavior of Adolescence at SMKN "X" Jember). Pustaka Kesehatan, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 492-498, sep. 2014. ISSN 2721-3218. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 feb. 2025.