Pengaruh Terapi Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) terhadap Depresi pada Klien Hipertensi

  • Mila Yuni Sahlia
  • wantiyah wantiyah
  • mulia hakam


Hypertension is a disease that characterized by increased of systolic and diastolic blood
pressure that can cause problems in both physical and psychological problems. One of
psychological problems is depression. EFT therapy is a relaxation technique that could be
used to decrease depression in hypertension client. The purpose of this study was to analyze
the effect of EFT therapy on depression in hypertension client. This research used
quasi experimental method with control group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique
was consecutive sampling involving 20 respondents that divided into 10 respondent
as intervention group who got EFT therapy and 10 respondents as control group who done
activity daily. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney U Test with 95%
CI (ɑ=0,05). The result showed that there was a difference of depression before given EFT
in intervention group (p=0,003), while in control group there was no difference (p=1,000).
There was significant difference of depression on client hypertension in both intervention
and control group (p=0,001).The relaxation effect of EFT therapy stimulates the pituitary
gland to release endorphin hormone to produce serotonin hormone and dopamine hormone.
The conclusion is EFT therapy can reduce depression in hypertension clients, therefore
it can be applied as one of the non-pharmacological therapy in hypertension client.

Keywords: EFT Therapy, Depression, Hypertension

How to Cite
SAHLIA, Mila Yuni; WANTIYAH, wantiyah; HAKAM, mulia. Pengaruh Terapi Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) terhadap Depresi pada Klien Hipertensi. Pustaka Kesehatan, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 446 - 452, sep. 2018. ISSN 2721-3218. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 mar. 2025. doi: