• Firman Ashadi


The executive education is one of the sub system of management that need attention are
the same as other sub management system, it is the key to educational success. Said, because
given the current era of technology, facilities and infrastructure, the need for sufficient funds,
does not guarantee success in education can be achieved, except with the help of the Human
Resources (HR) is competent. Of that required for the proper management of human
development. And in the development, media closest and very significant impact is through
education. Educators give effect to learners, not just through the knowledge it conveys, but
also by their attitudes, behavior, and speech. So with terpolanya educators, learners can be
expected to be complete humans as aspired. Human resources becomes a dominant factor in
an institution, not least in the field of education. Education requires qualified human resources
to carry out its role in serving the educational needs of society. Therefore, it is important for
the realization of human resource development efforts of the human resources quality
education or quality. At institutions of Early Childhood Education (ECD) which means
education before primary education which is an approach to development that is intended for
children from birth up to the age of six years are accomplished by providing stimulation of
education to help the growth and development of the physical and spiritual for children has the
readiness to enter further education, which was held in formal, non-formal and informal. With
the quality of human resources in early childhood education institutions, is expected to create
an atmosphere of positive educational aims for the utilization, development, research, human
resources to be managed effectively and efficiently.
How to Cite
ASHADI, Firman. PENGEMBANGAN SUMBERDAYA MANUSIA DALAM LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI. JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 4, p. 412 - 418, mar. 2017. ISSN 2721-1959. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 sep. 2024.

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