• Mila Aulliyah
  • Sutarto -
  • Alex Harijanto


Learn Resource Package With The Analysis of Issue’s Discourse is textbook issue verbal expression in written form that contains the real events that contextual information and contain the problem to be analyzed. The purpose of this study was to describe the package a good learning resources for teaching physics in senior high school and assess differences in physics student learning outcomes before and after the learning using the learning resource package discourse analysis of issues in senior high school. This type of research is the development, use 4D that the modified design into 3D. Studies have been completed at the MAN 2 Jember. Data collection techniques used are sheets of validation, observation, interview and test. Data analysis technique used is descriptive, and paired samples t-test with SPSS 16. Package learning resource with a discourse analysis of issues otherwise good and decent used for teaching physics in high school if the product has been tested validity developed through logic and empirical validation process, learning resource package with the issue of discourse analysis is valid if the validation logic and empiric are ≥ 4. Based on the analysis of quantitative data validation logic and empirical learning resource package amounting to 3.92 and 4.2 with a valid category. Based on the results quantitative data analysis and empirical validation logic and logical conclusion that the instrument package learning resources belong to either category. There are differences in the results to assess student learning physics after learning using learning resources package, then using paired samples T-test. Results of analysis Paired Sample t-test value of significance (2-tailed) class X 2 and X MIA Religion are 0.000. Because the value of sig. (2-tailed) ≤ of α (0.05) is 0.000 ≤ 0.05 then Ha to accept. So it can be concluded that there is a difference in students' physics learning outcomes before and after the learning using the learning resource package discourse analysis of issues in senior high school.
How to Cite
AULLIYAH, Mila; -, Sutarto; HARIJANTO, Alex. PAKET SUMBER BELAJAR DENGAN ANALISIS WACANA ISU UNTUK PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA DI SMA. JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, sep. 2015. ISSN 2721-1959. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 oct. 2024.

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