• Zulva Nurhayati
  • Bambang Supriadi
  • Maryani Maryani




This research is development research. This study aims to examine expert validation, describe student learning outcomes, and describe the effectiveness of Contextual LKS Based Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) Class X Motion Material. The research subjects were 39 students of SMAN 1 Gambiran class X. Data on expert validation was obtained from five the validator is two lecturers of the University of Jember Physics Education Program, and three high school Physics study teachers in the development test. Data on learning outcomes are obtained from the results of post tests conducted after the learning is complete. The results showed that quantitative data validation logic from five validators for Contextual LKS Based on Process Oriented Guided Inquiry (POGIL) of 3.53 with a fairly valid category. This assessment is the average of the assessment of conformity components of 3.5; the effectiveness component is 3.875, and the feasibility component is 3.22. Cognitive domain assessment gets the lowest score among the other domains at 63. Classically the average student learning outcomes are 73.61 and are categorized as being moderate. The conclusions obtained from this study are 1) Validation results from 5 validators consisting of two physics education lecturers and 3 Public High School 1 Gambiran teachers Contextual LKS Based on Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) categorized as quite valid, 2) Student learning outcomes after using Contextual LKS Based on Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) in physics learning as a whole is 73.61 and categorized as moderate, and 3) Effectiveness based on learning outcomes can be seen in high criteria. These results can be used as a reference for validation of good literary audiences so that the Contextual LKS Based on Process Oriented Guided Inquiry (POGIL) can be said to be effective. This study can be used to identify factors that influence the level of mastery of concepts and student learning attitudes so that teachers can determine worksheets that suit the needs of students.


Keywords: conceptual, contextual, POGIL, LKS

How to Cite
NURHAYATI, Zulva; SUPRIADI, Bambang; MARYANI, Maryani. LKS KONTEKSTUAL BERBASIS PROCESS ORIENTED GUIDED INQUIRY LEARNING (POGIL) MATERI GERAK MELINGKAR KELAS X. JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 4, p. 226-231, dec. 2019. ISSN 2721-1959. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 oct. 2024. doi:

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