Reyog Kendang Art Studio Dhodhog Sadjiwo Djati in Gendingan Village Kedungwaru District Tulungagung Regency 1984-2009

  • huldan Aulia afandi History education program, University of Jember
  • sugiyanto sugiyanto
  • sumarno sumarno


Reyog kendang is a unique art in Tulungagung. In the village of Gendingan there is
an art studio founded by Siswoyo since 1984. The problem that will be examined in
this study is how the background of the establishment and development of reyog
kendang art studio Dhodhog Sadjiwo Djati from 1984 to 2009. This study uses
historical research methods consisting of stages of the process consisting of 4 steps,
namely: 1. Heuristics; 2. Criticism; 3. interpretation; and 4. Historiography. The
results of this study are the development of the studios studied mainly in costumes
and dance moves. Costumes include the addition of supporting accessories while in
the movement there are added creative movements aside from the standard motion.
In 2009 the reyog kendang art got a copyright from IPR. Suggestions in this study
are expected to be a reference in the development of cultural history writing,
especially traditional arts and provide information about reyog kendang dhodhog

How to Cite
AFANDI, huldan Aulia; SUGIYANTO, sugiyanto; SUMARNO, sumarno. Reyog Kendang Art Studio Dhodhog Sadjiwo Djati in Gendingan Village Kedungwaru District Tulungagung Regency 1984-2009. JURNAL HISTORICA, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 125-138, jan. 2020. ISSN 2964-9269. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.