• Irma Kumalasari


This article discusses the Clean River Program (Prokasih) as an effort to combat river pollution caused by domestic waste or industrial waste in Surabaya River. Through the environmental approach, this thesis tries to analyze about the conflict between industrial interest and sustainability of Surabaya River which has an important role for the people of Surabaya. The method used in this study is the method of history, so menghasilakn writing that descriptive analytical. Resources were obtained through document research, articles, newspapers, and interviews. The research findings show that since the early 1970s Surabaya’s economic growth in the industrial sector has accelerated rapidly, the impact of pollution on Surabaya River. Besides, the important role of Trimarjono figures, the role of mass media, and the role of society in the Prokasih Proper Program Appraisal Program is to reduce the river pollution rate due to industrial waste. The picture in Surabaya shows that Indonesia is no less a way to combat environmental pollution.

Keywords: Surabaya; Surabaya River; industry; environment; pollution


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How to Cite
KUMALASARI, Irma. GERAKAN PROGRAM KALI BERSIH (PROKASIH) DI KALI SURABAYA TAHUN 1987-1997. Historia, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 90-104, may 2018. ISSN 2774-9932. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 may 2024.

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