Focus and Scope

JECER promotes research in a broad area related to the field of early childhood education particularly in Indonesia, but is not limited to writing or topical coverage in the region. This journal is intended for scholars and students, researchers working in research organizations and educational institutions, as well as for companies undertaking applied R&D to lead innovation.

Program of education that serves the early childhood become increasingly complex, diverse, and comprehensive. The practice of parenting and education in families and communities that are cross-religious and cultural which has been passed down from generation to generation needs to be studied more seriously with the perspective of developmental theory and early childhood education, to become a solution to these problems. 

JECER: Journal of Early Childhood Education and Research is a professional publication for academia, government and non-government agencies, PAUD practitioners, such as classroom teachers, child care providers, and teacher educators, all dedicated to improving the quality of education and child care from birth to age eight. This journal publishes articles that include: 

  • Observing children's growth and development; 
  • Child's relationship with family and society; 
  • Religious assessment; 
  • Educational environment and curriculum; 
  • Health, safety, and nutrition; 
  • Professionalism and leadership; 
  • Administration and management, With a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach. 
  • Media and technology for Early Childhood;
  • Early childhood education with special needs;
  • Entrepreneurship-based early childhood education;
  • Multicultural and education for all;
  • Innovation and technology in early childhood education;
  • And various fields related to early childhood education. 

This article analyzes conceptual developments, issues, trends, policies and practices offering well-documented viewpoints and practical recommendations.