Journal History
Establishing the CERiMRE journal, the editorial members (Indonesia) were also member of the KMTE “Komputasi Material Terapan dan Energi” (formerly was KMT) research group, Physics Dept, FMIPA, Universitas Jember, Indonesia. Therefore, the CERiMRE editorial team members is assigned based on the Decree of the Dean (SK) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Jember, Indonesia. The CERiMRE Journal was first published for Vol 1 No.1 2018.
This journal was created to accommodate original research results from researchers in the field of Materials and Renewable Energy, both simulation/computational and experimental research. The CERiMRE journal from the beginning was conceived to be directed to become a reputable international journal that can accommodate and publish several quality works from researchers around the world.
As an effort to increase the capacity and quality of the management of the CERiMRE journal, in 2021 the CERiMRE journal has received Grant (Hibah Pengelola Jurnal) from the Universitas Jember to prepare the CERiMRE journal to apply for SINTA accreditation. Near mid-2022 (19 April 2022) the journal cerimre has been indexed by DOAJ. Then to develop themselves, the CERiMRE Journal has also invited several professors from abroad to join the team of editors and reviewers.
Since Volume 3, No. 2, 2020, Jurnal CERiMRE has been accredited as SINTA 4. Starting from Volume 7, No. 2, every article published in Jurnal CERiMRE will be subject to a publication fee. For more detailed information, please refer to the publication charge page.
In an effort to continually improve the quality of publications and align with international standards, the CERiMRE journal introduced significant changes to both the cover and article template, starting with Volume 7, Issue 1. These changes include a refreshed, modern cover design that better represents the journal’s focus on materials and renewable energy research, aligning with the visual standards of international journals. Additionally, the template update involves improved layout, clearer data presentation, and a more systematic structure, aiming to enhance readability and the journal’s overall professionalism.
This step is also part of CERiMRE's long-term strategy to elevate its accreditation from SINTA 4 to higher levels. Currently indexed in DOAJ, the journal is committed to continuously improving its management quality to achieve indexing in Scopus, one of the world’s leading academic databases.
With the new template, CERiMRE hopes to better facilitate researchers in presenting their findings and expand the journal's reach within the international scientific community.