Current Issue

COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH IN MATERIALS AND RENEWABLE ENERGY (CERiMRE) is an official journal of the Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The University of Jember, Indonesia, in collaboration with KERIS (Research Group) KMTE (Komputasi Material Terapan dan Energi), The Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The University of Jember, Indonesia. The CERiMRE publishes original research papers and reviews in the field of materials and renewable energy either computational or experimental works. The aim of the CERiMRE is to develop the intense communication among researchers in over the world in that fields. The CERiMRE publishes the articles twice a year in May and November.
Authorship Diversity:

Journal title | Computational and Experimental Research in Materials and Renewable Energy (CERiMRE) | ![]() |
Initials | CERiMRE | |
Abbreviation | Comput. Exp. Res. Mater. Renew. Energy. |
Frequency | 2 issues per year | May and November | |
DOI | 10.19184/cerimre |
ISSN Online | 2747-173X | |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Artoto Arkundato | View full editorial board | |
Publisher | Universitas Jember | |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Dimensions | SCOPUS |
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