Neutronic Analysis of The SMART Modular Reactor Fuel Using SRAC 2006
Neutronic analysis of The SMART modular reactor fuel using SRAC 2006 has been carried out. Electrical energy is important today because the need is increasing along with the increase in human population, advanced technology and the economy. On the other hand, there are demands from the community for the clean, efficient and consistent energy. This is the reason why nuclear power plants are considered as one of the candidates for electrical energy suppliers in Indonesia in particular. This study evaluates a SMART reactor with Gadolinium as the burnable absorber material. The two kinds of fuel assembly were analyzed using the SRAC 2006 code system with the JENDL 4.0 as nuclear data library. This study aims to observe the neutronic characteristics of the fuel assembly designs according to the reference used. The results of the study show that of all types of fuel assemblies used can reach criticality at the beginning of the operating cycle and last up to 3 till 5 years when it finally reaches subcritical condition. Another parameter observed is the conversion ratio value, which from this study is in accordance with the characteristics of the conversion ratio for thermal reactors.