Optimization of production process scheduling at Mataram Convection using the Campbell-Dudek and Smith method and the Ho and Chang method
Konveksi Mataram (Djagoan Kaos dan Seragam) is one of the industries engaged in the manufacture of various types of clothing models with fabric as the basic material. So far, the scheduling method used by the company is the First Come First Serve method, in which the completion of production is based on order-to-order data. In this case, with high order intensity, companies often experience difficulties in completing orders according to a predetermined pick-up time. The problems experienced by the company were caused by the production process scheduling that was not optimal. Based on the problems encountered, the purpose of this research is to obtain the optimal scheduling sequence by determining the smallest makespan (minimum total completion time) of the application of the method to the production process. The methods used in this study are the Campbell-Dudek and Smith method and the Ho and Chang method and from these two methods, it is known that the smallest production process is optimal. Based on the results of calculations using the Campbell-Dudek and Smith method, the optimal scheduling sequence with the smallest makespan is 39163 minutes or the production process will be completed in 73 working days. While the results of calculations using the Ho and Chang method obtained the optimal scheduling sequence with the smallest makespan of 38660.50 minutes or the production process will be completed in 72 working days. From the makespans of the two methods, the Ho and Chang method is superior to the Campbell-Dudek and Smith method with a difference of 502.50 minutes or about 1 working day, whereas when compared to the company's initial method, namely First Serve First Come with a makespan of 43025.50 minutes, the HC method can make completion time efficient with a difference of 4365 minutes or about 8 working days.
Keywords: Campbell-Dudek and Smith methods, first come first serve, Ho and Chang, makespan, production scheduling
MSC2020: 90B30

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