Spektrum Laplace pada graf kincir angin berarah (Q_k^3)
Suppose that 0 = µ0 ≤ µ1 ≤ ... ≤ µn-1 are eigen values of a Laplacian matrix graph with n vertices and m(µ0), m(µ1), …, m(µn-1) are the multiplicity of each µ, so the Laplacian spectrum of a graph can be expressed as a matrix 2 × n whose line elements are µ0, µ1, …, µn-1 for the first row, and m(µ0), m(µ1), …, m(µn-1) for the second row. In this paper, we will discuss Laplacian spectrum of the directed windmill graph () with k ≥ 1. The determination of the Laplacian spectrum in this study is to determine the characteristic polynomial of the Laplacian matrix from the directed windmill graph () with k ≥ 1.
Keywords: Characteristic polynomial, directed windmill graph, Laplacian matrix, Laplacian spectrum.
MSC2020 :05C50

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