Perancangan Sarana Layanan Akademik Dalam Mengantisipasi Penyebaran Penyakit Menular (Covid-19) Pasca Pandemik

Design of Academic Services in Anticipating the Spread of Communicable Diseases (Covid-19) in Post-Pandemic

  • Nunung Nuring Hayati Universitas Jember
  • Dano Quinta Revana Universitas Jember


The Covid-19 virus, which attacks the respiratory system and is classified as an infectious disease, has been designated a global pandemic. One way to prevent the Covid-19 virus is to implement physical distancing from other people. The impact of this pandemic is affecting the learning system so that the teaching and learning process is carried out online during the pandemic. If later the teaching and learning process is carried out offline, it is necessary to prevent and anticipate the virus so that it does not spread during the teaching and learning process, such as the design of the classroom layout, the design of a virus barrier product design, and the design of a special room design for people with infectious diseases. The layout design in the classroom is made at 50% of the capacity it should have during the previous normal study, to implement physical distancing or keep a distance. Normal human circulation is 2 m2/person, in the new normal period a minimum of 4 m2/person is required. The product design is to limit oneself when the teaching and learning process takes place with the Divider product which is placed on the classroom desk. This divider is made of clear acrylic, sized according to a study table that can be easily carried, easy to store, safe, sturdy, and easy to clean.


Virus Covid-19 yang menyerang sistem pernapasan dan tergolong penyakit menular yang telah ditetapkan menjadi pandemi global. Salah satu pencegahan virus Covid-19 yaitu menerapkan physical distancing dengan orang lain. Dampak dari pandemi ini adalah mempengaruhi pada sistem belajar, sehingga proses belajar mengajar dilakukan secara daring selama pandemi. Jika nantinya proses belajar mengajar dilakukan secara luring, diperlukan pencegahan dan antisipasi virus agar tidak menyebar selama proses belajar mengajar, seperti perancangan tata ruang dalam kelas, perancangan desain produk pembatas virus, dan desain perancangan ruangan khusus untuk penderita penyakit menular. Perancangan tata letak pada ruang kelas dibuat 50% dari kapasitas seharusnya saat belajar normal sebelumnya, guna menerapkan physical distancing atau jaga jarak. Normal sirkulasi manusia adalah 2 m2/orang, pada masa new normal dibutuhkan minimal 4 m2/orang. Perancangan produk guna membatasi diri ketika proses belajar mengajar berlangsung dengan produk Divider yang diletakkan pada meja belajar kelas, Pembatas ini terbuat dari akrilik bening, berukuran sesuai dengan meja belajar yang dapat mudah dibawa, mudah disimpan, aman, kokoh, dan mudah untuk dibersihkan.

Author Biographies

Nunung Nuring Hayati, Universitas Jember

Urban and Regional Planning Study Program
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Corresponding Author:

Dano Quinta Revana, Universitas Jember

Urban and Regional Planning Study Program
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jember
Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember, East Java, Indonesia

How to Cite
HAYATI, Nunung Nuring; REVANA, Dano Quinta. Perancangan Sarana Layanan Akademik Dalam Mengantisipasi Penyebaran Penyakit Menular (Covid-19) Pasca Pandemik. Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 155-165, may 2022. ISSN 2548-9518. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi:

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