Hubungan antara Karakteristik Responden dan Sikap Kerja Duduk dengan Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah (Low Back Pain) Pada Pekerja Batik Tulis (The Relationship Among Respondent Characteristic and Awkward Posture with Low Back Pain in Batik Workers)

  • Amalia Riza Umami Bagian Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Jember Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121
  • Ragil Ismi Hartanti Bagian Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Jember Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121
  • Anita Dewi P Sujoso Bagian Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Jember Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121


The batik worker is one of the occupational working with risk of low back pain. Low back pain is one of clinical syndrome which marked by pain as the main symptom or the pain in low back area. This research aim was to analyze the relationship among respondent characteristic and awkward posture with low back pain in batik workers at batik industry in Sumberpakem, Sumberjambe sub-district with cross sectional design. This research technique analyze use Cramer Coefficient C statistic test with α= 0,05. The results of this research showed that there are significant relations among age (0,031<0,05), length of working (0,00<0,05), nutritional status(0,03<0,05) and also awkward posture (0,001<0,05) with low back pain. Then not significant relationhip between sport habitual (0,201>0,05)with low back pain.

Keywords: Respondent Characteristic, Low back pain, Batik workers, Awkward posture

How to Cite
UMAMI, Amalia Riza; HARTANTI, Ragil Ismi; SUJOSO, Anita Dewi P. Hubungan antara Karakteristik Responden dan Sikap Kerja Duduk dengan Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah (Low Back Pain) Pada Pekerja Batik Tulis (The Relationship Among Respondent Characteristic and Awkward Posture with Low Back Pain in Batik Workers). Pustaka Kesehatan, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 72-78, jan. 2014. ISSN 2721-3218. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 16 mar. 2025.