Construction of Students Knowledge of Disasters Based on Curriculum 13 in Jember District
This study aims to analyze the construction of students' knowledge of disaster through curriculum 13. This research conducts in two schools, namely SDIT Harapan Ummat Jember and SD Muhammadiyah 01 Jember. Knowledge of the disaster is vital, especially to children who are in the category of vulnerable people. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Through the theory of social construction (Peter Berger and Thomas Luckman), the researcher analyzes the data. The development of the student's knowledge acquired from books disaster curriculum 13, which is then developed by teachers to increase understanding of the students. The school is also working with the relevant agencies such as regional disaster management agencies, the University of Jember, and Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center to provide more in-depth knowledge to their students. In the process, the students acquire knowledge Externalization of the disaster through the materials on curriculum 13 on environment and disaster. Later in the process of objectivation, student's understanding of the catastrophe was strengthened with new learning media provided by the teacher by showing videos and photos on disaster occurrence.
Keywords: knowledge's construction, elementary students, disasters, Curriculum 13
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