Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted through the online journal system available at New authors must register as new users before they can submit their work. Please follow the instructions provided on the submissions page to complete a manuscript submission. If you are willing to review a manuscript based on your expertise, please tick "willing to review" on the online registration form. Please also write your expertise to help us assign you manuscripts that align with your expertise.


The Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues (CSI) suggested that submissions be between 7,000 and 10,000 words, saved Word files, and formatted in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The author may submit a manuscript that is shorter or longer than the word limit, and the editor can still review the manuscript if they believe it meets the journal's academic standard.

The journal does not publish book reviews in short versions, less than 3000 words, but authors are more than welcome to submit book reviews in more extended versions. The journal also welcomes commentary on sociological and multidisciplinary issues from all scholars from any discipline in a short version, approximately 2000 to 4000 words.

Submission of the manuscript to this journal should not have been published previously in academic publications such as books, book chapters, journals in the same language (English), or any other form of academic publication. However, authors are still allowed to submit their manuscripts with certain conditions. The manuscript can still be submitted (1) if less than 50 percent of the manuscript has been published at a conference, workshop, or seminar paper. This also implies that if the final version of the manuscript in this submission is the continuation of academic work, the author must state clearly in the manuscript about this work; (2) if the manuscript has been published in other languages other than English; (3) if the manuscript has been published on an institutional website such as university, company, or organization website.

The editor of the Journal usually assigns two reviewers with anonymous identities to protect the double-blind review process and avoid conflict of interest between reviewer and author. Contributors should remove their names from the manuscripts to ensure that the manuscript is anonymous and meets the double-blind review process of this Journal. It usually takes more than three months for the author to receive feedback from journal reviewers. Please notify the editor via email if the author does not receive feedback from the Journal longer than the time allocated.

Submissions should be written in English (U.K.) and adhere to the McGill Guide: The Canadian Guide on Uniform Legal Citation. Authors must adjust the reference style after their manuscript is accepted for publication. See the link to follow the instructions

We strongly encourage all authors to use ZOTERO, MENDELEY, or END NOTE to support citation format requirements. The software will help authors to keep following comments and suggestions or, let alone, ideas that have been deleted or added by the reviewers. However, if the author is unfamiliar with the software, the Journal will provide a free copy editor to adjust the final manuscript with the journal reference style. This will apply if the editor believes that the manuscript has an outstanding, rich, and complex discussion of the human rights issue.

It is solely the author's responsibility to ensure that the manuscripts submitted to CSI are their original work and free of plagiarism. In this process, the editor will decide whether the manuscripts pass the plagiarism check. If the manuscript does not pass the plagiarism check, the Journal will decline the manuscript but will still allow the author to re-submit the manuscript after major revisions.


Processing manuscript submissions

As part of ensuring the journal's quality, all manuscripts submitted to this journal should undergo the process as follows:

Desk Review

Manuscripts that have conformed to such mentioned criteria, and if judged suitable for this publication, will be forwarded to the desk review.

This step is optional. Typically, for submissions that undergo the desk review stage, the Editorial Board will provide common feedback in ensuring submissions have conformed to the journal's standard to ease the peer-reviewers in reviewing the manuscript. If authors do not meet these conditions, they will get feedback and have an opportunity to revise their manuscript according to the criteria. However, there is also the possibility that the Editorial Board will directly reject the manuscript.

Peer Review

All manuscripts will be assessed through blind or double-blind review, in which neither authors nor reviewers know each other's identities. When the manuscript has passed the desk review stage, editors will deliver the manuscript to two reviewers who are experts in the field of the submitted manuscript. The task of reviewers is to assess originality, clarity of presentation, and contribution to the legal knowledge. After receiving comments and suggestions from reviewers, CSI retains the right to accept or reject manuscripts submitted for publication. All accepted articles will be proofread and copy-edited by the Journal's English Language Editor, free of charge to the author. Typically, reviewers will complete the review process within six weeks. Manuscripts that did not successfully pass the desk review process will not proceed to this stage and will be rejected.

Reviewers' Decision

The reviewers will provide the following recommendations:

Accepted (the manuscript is acceptable for publication);

  1. Accepted(the manuscript is acceptable for publication);
  2. Accepted with minor revisions(the manuscript is acceptable for publication after it undergoes a revision in response to the reviewers' concerns);
  3. Accepted with major revisions(substantive inadequacies in the manuscript, such as data analysis, the leading theory used, and rewriting paragraphs, need to be revised); or
  4. Rejected(the manuscript is not acceptable for publication, or the given reviews relate to fundamental issues).

The Editorial Board solely decides the final decision of manuscript acceptance by considering reviewers' comments. The Editorial Board cannot decide unilaterally without the reviewers' recommendation.


Once the manuscript has been received with notations of minor or major revisions, it will be returned to the author with a review summary form. Authors are allotted three weeks to revise manuscripts accepted with major revisions. Whereas for manuscripts accepted with minor revisions, one week is allotted for revision. The author must fill in and attach the review summary form when returning the revised manuscript. 

Final Decision

At this stage, the Editorial Board will re-evaluate the manuscript to ensure that the author has revised it in response to the reviewers' concerns. In this final decision, the manuscript may still be rejected if the author did not seriously conduct necessary revisions. 




The Journal allows other parties to use, re-use, and share all works in this journal in all kinds of free platforms as long they acknowledge the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

All authors are permitted and encouraged to distribute their works in online formats such as institutional repositories, personal blogs, and social media to promote free knowledge sharing for the public.




Revisional Guidelines

After an article has been accepted and reviewed by our Editorial Board, if changes are needed to be made, please complete the revisions within two to four weeks. Additionally, please highlight the revised sections in yellow.

All inquiries regarding manuscript submission, journal policy, and any other relevant information regarding the journal can be emailed to or mailed to CHRM2 University of Jember, 6th Floor CDAST Building, Jl Kalimantan 37 Jember East Java Indonesia.