Jurnal Agroteknologi


Jurnal Agroteknologi is  a journal published by Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember, Indonesia. It is a scientific journal dedicated to publishing the manuscript of research in the field of agricultural technology, such as agricultural product technology, agricultural engineering, and agricultural industries technology. Jurnal Agroteknologi has p-ISSN 1978-1555  and e-ISSN 2502-4906. This journal publishes two times per year in June and December.

Jurnal Agroteknologi (J-AGT) has been accredited as a scientific journal with 2nd rank on Sinta (S2) by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia, starting from volume 16 issue 2 (2022) to volume 21 issue 1 (2027). So that, please check the latest update about APC (article processing charges).

Note: A call for a new manuscript is now open at anytime. We'd like to thank you for the contribution to the quality of the work that we publish.