Tanggung Jawab Perdata Notaris terhadap Akta yang Dibacakan oleh Staf Notaris di Hadapan Penghadap

  • Muhammad Tiantanik Citra Mido Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya
  • I Nyoman Nurjaya Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya
  • Rachmad Safa’at Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya


A notary in exercising powers to make an authentic deed is required to read it before an interlocutor as it is set in Article 16 paragraph (1) letter (m) Notary Act.  The problem that arises is that, in some cases, notaries are not the only persons who exercise such duties. In fact, such role is often replaced by their staffs on duties entitled to them. It asserts that Notary Act is not extremely obeyed with following effects of the absence of laws in Notary Act which is specifically dealt with the role of notary’s staffs. This study uses empirical legal research with sociological jurisprudence approach. The result shows that a notary has attributive powers from Notary Act which is granted rights or powers to authorize staffs to act and exercize notary’s duties. To adhere with this view, a notary deed is seen as a perfect evidence if a notary did not accomplish certain procedures. However, if a notary cannot prove it, the declaration of a privately made deed should be made by judges of the courts. If there is any disadvantage as the result of deed read by staffs, a notary can be sued in the courts to provide compensation or certain terms as constituted in Article 1365 of the Civil Code, including maerial and immaterial compensations.

Keywords: Civil Liability, Notary, Notary Staffs, Deed


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  5. Menegaskan bahwa salah satu kewenangan Notaris, yaitu membuat akta secara umum, dengan batasan sepanjang: 1) Tidak dikecualikan kepada pejabat lain yang ditetapkan oleh Undang-undang; 2) Menyangkut akta yang harus dibuat atau berwenang membuat akta otentik mengenai semua perbuatan, perjanjian dan ketetapan yang diharuskan oleh aturan hukum atau dikehendaki oleh yang bersangkutan; 3) Mengenai subjek hukum (orang atau badan hukum) untuk kepentingan siapa akta itu dibuat atau dikehendaki yang berkepentingan; 4) Berwenang mengenai tempat, dimana akta itu dibuat, hal ini sesuai dengan tempat kedudukan dan wilayah jabatan Notaris; 5) Mengenai waktu pembuatan akta, dalam hal ini Notaris harus menjamin kepastian waktu menghadap para penghadap yang tercantum dalam akta. Lihat Habib Adjie, Kebatalan dan Pembatalan Akta Notaris, (Bandung: Refika Aditama, 2011), hlm. 8-9.

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  24. Sjaifurrachman dan Habib Adjie, supra note 4, hlm. 120.

  25. Habib Adjie, supra note 1, hlm. 83-84.

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  29. Habib Adjie, supra note 1,  hlm. 52.

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  32. Sjaifurrachman dan Habib Adjie, supra note 4, hlm. 173.

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  34. Sjaifurrachman dan Habib Adjie, supra note 4, hlm. 173.

  35. Habib Adjie, supra note 1,  hlm. 51.

  36. M. Tjoanda, Wujud Ganti Rugi menurut Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata,  (Jurnal Sasi Vol. 16 No. 4 Bulan Oktober – Desember 2010), hlm. 44.

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  38. Ibid, hlm. 89.

  39. M. Tjoanda, supra note 36, hlm. 48.

  40. M. Tjoanda, supra note 36, hlm. 49.

  41. Hasil Wawancara dengan SUDIRMAN., S.H., M.Kn., Notaris di Kota Kendari, Tanggal 05/06/2017, Pukul 10.30 wita.

  42. M. Tjoanda, supra note 36, hlm. 48.

  43. Habib Adjie, supra note 1,  hlm. 51.

How to Cite
CITRA MIDO, Muhammad Tiantanik; NURJAYA, I Nyoman; SAFA’AT, Rachmad. Tanggung Jawab Perdata Notaris terhadap Akta yang Dibacakan oleh Staf Notaris di Hadapan Penghadap. Lentera Hukum, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 156-173, may 2018. ISSN 2621-3710. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/ejlh/article/view/6288>. Date accessed: 30 dec. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.19184/ejlh.v5i1.6288.
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