Changing Dynamics of Constitutionalism

South Asia's Tryst with Constitution


The prevailing view of the constitutional framework in South Asia is seen as secondary and subsidiary to developed constitutional systems worldwide. Meanwhile, South Asian countries have merely re-produced the constitutional framework of developed nations. The emergence and development of South Asian constitutionalism present a range of perspectives and methodological approaches that contribute to comparative constitutional law scholarship in South Asia. The overt attention toward the Western notion of liberalism has often led to an incomplete and unclear approach to South Asian constitutionalism. The paper aimed to explore the elements of South Asian constitutionalism alongside underlying socio-economic and political discourse surrounding its contemporary understanding. It also analyzed the role of courts in affirming and transforming South Asian constitutionalism. Instead of reviving interest in South Asia and Third World Approach to International Law, this paper showed that it is only practical and pragmatic to study constitutionalism with specific reference to the modern discourse of democracy, judicial review, separation of power, and human rights enshrined in their respective constitutions. In terms of its emergence from the colonial history and other prevalent forms of distinct cultural, social, and political practices, South Asia presented a heterogeneous experience in the light of recognition and enforcement of socio-economic rights and transformations and deviations from its past experiences.

Keywords: Comparative Constitutional Law, Constitutionalism, South Asia.


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How to Cite
TRIPATHI, Neha; KUMAR, Anubhav. Changing Dynamics of Constitutionalism. Lentera Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 1-32, apr. 2022. ISSN 2621-3710. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 feb. 2025. doi:

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