Kerinduan Tokoh-tokoh Novel Rindu Kami Pada-Mu Karya Garin Nugroho dan Islah Gusmian: Analisis Semiotik

  • Sri Mariati


Novel Rindu Kami Pada-Mu reveals the lives of the peoples in the market and their life problems they
face. By using qualitative methods, it can be seen that the characters have a deep longing for lost love
and affection. The relationship between the sign and its reference in the form of icons, indices and
symbols, making the lives of those markets and the problems described Garin Nugroho and Islah
Gusmian be very interesting. The novel contains the suffering and struggle of the people in the market
to regain the lost affection. The novel implies that the poor and marginalized state or in a state rich and
affluent, people need attention and affection. In addition there is also a supporter of religious messages
conveyed discursive narrative and dramatic, both religious and social rituals of worship. Love or
affection is part of the value of one's religiosity, given that with love and affection, someone to worship

How to Cite
MARIATI, Sri. Kerinduan Tokoh-tokoh Novel Rindu Kami Pada-Mu Karya Garin Nugroho dan Islah Gusmian: Analisis Semiotik. SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra dan Linguistik, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 68-78, feb. 2022. ISSN 2599-3429. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 jan. 2025. doi: