Konflik Sosial Dalam Novel Tiba-Tiba Malam Karya Putu Wijaya: Kajian Sosiologis

  • Dara Windiyarti


This study aims to describe the social conflicts in the novel Tiba-tiba Malam by Putu Wijaya. The data
of this study was taken from the novel Tiba-tiba Malam by Putu Wijaya published in 2005 by Compass
Publisher. Data collection was done by using literature method. This study used Geoerge Simmel and
Ralf Dahrendorf theory of conflict. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis. This study
aims to reveal the social conflicts between characters and the social conflicts between characters and
the villagers, the causes of conflicts and actions to resolve the conflicts. This research resulted in the
following. First, the emergence of conflict between Sunatha family and Utari family was motivated by
personal issues, while the emergence of conflict between Sunatha family and the villagers was
motivated by customs violations. Secondly, the causes of individual conflicts are the individual
behavior and the economy, while the cause of conflicts with the villagers is the strong kinship among
the villagers. Thirdly, the action to solve the conflicts is to do a good communication between parties
in conflicts.

How to Cite
WINDIYARTI, Dara. Konflik Sosial Dalam Novel Tiba-Tiba Malam Karya Putu Wijaya: Kajian Sosiologis. SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra dan Linguistik, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 55-67, feb. 2022. ISSN 2599-3429. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/SEMIOTIKA/article/view/30108>. Date accessed: 07 jan. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.19184/semiotika.v14i1.30108.