The Analysis of Cinematographic Elements as supporters of the Plot Twist in Movie, Coco Animation

  • Afandy Wicahyono Program Studi Televisi dan Film


In this era of globalization and digital as now this is one of the media that is still very interested in society is the film. One
of the films that is still in demand either by adults or children is the animated film, one of which is Coco's animation. A nice
movie built on a plot that is not boring and more interesting if there is a twist plot element in it. Filmmaking takes a special
shooting technique or cinematography to have continuity and can be understood by film connoisseurs. The research
methods used are qualitative descriptive. Researchers focused on the cinematography approach that would be applied to
Coco's animated film with a duration of 109 minutes. The results of this study suggest that cinematography in particular
framing (angle, type of shot, movement of the camera) in the sixth twist plot scene can support a twist plot. Not all have a
definite pattern in its use. Not all plot twist are built with camera movements, but are always supported with angle and type
of shot. The use of eye level in the animated film Coco proved to be able to support a plot twist. This is because the eye level
is capable of placing the audience as if it were among the characters in the animated film Coco. The Medium shot used in
the six scenes can support a plot twist in the animated film Coco because it is able to give curiosity, anxiety and surprise to
the audience through dialogue.

How to Cite
WICAHYONO, Afandy. The Analysis of Cinematographic Elements as supporters of the Plot Twist in Movie, Coco Animation. ROLLING, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 15-26, mar. 2023. ISSN 2963-0835. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 jan. 2025.

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