Starting from the restrictions on the use of public transportation since the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of bicycles has again become a trend as a means of transportation and people's lifestyle in the new normal era. This increase is expected to realize urban development with sustainable transportation. Through research, it can be seen the factors that affect people's cycling interest, perceptions of benefits and obstacles as well as user responses to indicators of cycling comfort and safety in Yogyakarta are then used as considerations to maintain public interest in using bicycles. Using the crosstab method, the results of the analysis were obtained which showed that the factors that influenced the highest public interest were bicycle facilities, health, and road networks. The benefits of using bicycles that are felt by the community influence health and relieve stress, but there are obstacles for people to use bicycles because of the difficulty of carrying goods, prone to accidents, and weather problems. For bicycle users with the core user category, soon-to-be users, non-user, and rejecting users, will feel safe if the street lighting facilities are adequate and feel comfortable if the slope of the road is 3%-5%.
Bermula pada pembatasan penggunaan transportasi umum sejak pandemi Covid 19, penggunaan sepeda kembali menjadi trend sebagai alat transportasi dan gaya hidup masyarakat di era adaptasi kebiasaan baru. Kenaikan ini diharapkan dapat mewujudkan pembangunan kota dengan transportasi yang berkelanjutan. Melalui penelitian dapat diketahui faktor yang mempengaruhi minat bersepeda masyarakat, persepsi manfaat dan hambatan serta respon pengguna terhadap indikator kenyamanan dan keamanan bersepeda di Yogyakarta yang selanjutnya digunakan sebagai pertimbangan untuk mempertahankan minat masyarakat menggunakan sepeda. Dengan menggunakan metode tabulasi silang (crosstab) didapatkan hasil analisis yang menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi minat masyarakat paling tinggi adalah fasilitas sepeda, kesehatan dan jaringan jalan. Manfaat penggunaan sepeda yang dirasakan masyarakat berpengaruh pada kesehatan dan menghilangkan stress, namun terdapat hambatan bagi masyarakat menggunakan sepeda karena kesulitan membawa barang, rawan kecelakaan dan permasalahan cuaca. Bagi pengguna sepeda dengan kategori core user, soon to be user, non user dan rejecting user, akan merasa aman apabila fasilitas lampu penerangan jalan memadai dan merasa nyaman apabila kemiringan jalan sebesar 3%-5%.