This thesis discuss the success of Enthus Susmono who is firstly a narrator to be a regent in Tegal regency (From Artist to Bureaucrat; The Biography of Enthus Susmono 1984-2014). This research is to describe how and what factors that become the background and encourage him to take a part in political field. the method used in this research is historical method that is heuristic, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The approach used in this research is biography approach by using theory of psychology. The results of this research shows that the art in the blood of Enthus Susmono was derived from his father and his grandfather. He began to replace his father to be a narrator in 1984. His ability of art was strengthened when he was in Junior High School by learning karawitan, and it is continued in Senior High School by learning drawing and theatre. The ability of creating story was got from the famous narrators, like Ki Anom Suroto, Ki Manteb Soedarsono, Ki Nartosabdo and kyai. Based on this background, Enthus Susmono is called as an insane narrator and he is popular with his wayang santri, because he is capable of creating story with the social fact. It makes him take a part in political field by becoming the success team, then it makes him jailed. Being arrested can strengten his political interest, so that in 2014 he was appointed as a regent by Kebangkitan Bangsa Party (PKB) and was coupled with Umi Azizah, the chairperson of Muslimat Nahdatul Ulama of Tegal regency with their jargon “tolak politik uang”. The conclusion of this research shows that an artist has a potential and capable of being a leader. Keywords : Enthus Susmono, Insane Artist, Tolak Politik Uang, Regent.
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