Environmental Factors as Sleep Disturbance on Critically Ill Patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU): A Cross-Sectional Study

  • Junaidy Suparman Rustam Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Mohammad Natsir Bukittinggi
  • Reny Chaidir Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Mohammad Natsir Bukittinggi


Background: Sleep disturbance is a major problem among critically ill patients in the Intensive care unit (ICU) and often leads to negative experiences during their treatment. Previous studies found that environmental factors including noises and lighting mainly associated with the patient's sleep disturbance. Objectives: This study purposed to explore the relationship between environmental noise and lighting with the experience of sleep disturbance among critically ill patients in ICU. Methods: Analytical descriptive with a cross-sectional study approach was used in this study in the population of critically ill patients who were treated in the ICU. Setting of the study was conducted at a public hospital in West Sumatra, Indonesia from June to August 2021. The sample size was calculated by using power analysis from a previous study which obtained 80 participants. A purposive sampling technique was used based on the inclusion criteria. Data was analyzed by using percentages for the descriptive statistic and the Spearmen rank test for the inferential statistic. Results: Results of the study showed that 37.5% of the participants had sleep disturbance from environmental noise and 31 participants 38.75% of participants had sleep disturbance from lighting. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between environmental factors with sleep dis- orders in critically ill patients. Conclusion: Environmental factors of noises and lighting associated with the experience of disturbance among critically ill patients in ICU. It should be expected that hospitals could provide health education for patients and families suffering from sleep disturbance to maintain a calm environment noise and good lighting.


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How to Cite
RUSTAM, Junaidy Suparman; CHAIDIR, Reny. Environmental Factors as Sleep Disturbance on Critically Ill Patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU): A Cross-Sectional Study. NurseLine Journal, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 127-132, nov. 2023. ISSN 2541-464X. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/NLJ/article/view/39150>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.19184/nlj.v8i2.39150.