Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Berbasis Kopi Di Pegunungan Mandigu Kecamatan Mumbulsari Kabupaten Jember
This research was conducted to knowing the Development Strategy coffee based areas in the Mandigu Mountains, Mumbulsari District, Jember Regency. This research was conducted in Lambeji Village, Mumbulsari District, Jember Regency. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research with data analysis methods using the SWOT method. The result obtained in this research are : 1) Internal factors that influence the development of coffee based areas in the Mandigu Mountains are adequate geographical conditions (strengths) and the lack of farmers and accesbility that is difficult to reach (weakness). 2) External factors that influence the development of coffee based areas in the Mandigu Mountains are land use by planting other crops (opportunity) and erratic weather changes that can hamper the growth and quality of coffee (threat). 3) The result of the analysis show that the strategy obtained from the matrix is that the alternative strategies are providing a supply of quality coffee seeds which is carried out in developing the coffee business, utilizing fertile land conditions with quality coffee to meet the increasing demand for coffee consumers, increasing income diversification, especially additional daily income with land optimization efforts..
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