Implementation of Protection Policy and Fulfillment of The Rights of People With Disabilities Perspective In G. Edward III (1980)

Study on Fulfillment of Facilities and Infrastructure Needs for Persons with Disabilities Disability in Jember Regency Green Open Space

  • Tamami Tamami magister ilmu mdministrasi universitas jember
  • Dina Suryawati


The local government's policy on the provision of public facilities with access to disability in Jember Regency is through the Jember Regional Regulation number  7  of  2016  concerning  the  protection  and  fulfillment  of  the  rights  of persons with disabilities but the implementation of the policy has not been maximally achieved due to the physical number of public facilities and infrastructure that have not been accessed by persons with disabilities. and inappropriate in completing the implementation in the field. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods with theoretical analysis of George Edward III (1980) so that the results obtained are that the implementation of the provision  of  facilities  with  access  to  disability  is  not  optimal  based  on  the distortion of communication between the implementor and the target.

 Keywords: Implementation, Public Facilities, Person with Disabilities   

How to Cite
TAMAMI, Tamami; SURYAWATI, Dina. Implementation of Protection Policy and Fulfillment of The Rights of People With Disabilities Perspective In G. Edward III (1980). Regional Dynamic: Journal of Policy and Business Science, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 29-38, july 2022. ISSN 2722-9343. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 dec. 2024. doi:

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