• Selfi Budi Helpiastuti Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember
  • Siti Jahro Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember


This study describes collaborative governance in the management of plastic waste bank in Pasuruan Regency. The problem of plastic waste experienced by Pasuruan Regency regarding the ineffectiveness of plastic waste management has led to Government efforts to overcome it, one of which is through a plastic waste bank. The emergence of plastic waste banks in Pasuruan Regency began with the participation of the community. This study uses a qualitative approach, a type of descriptive research and uses two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. Data obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and document analysis. Determination of research informants was done purposively. The validity of the data uses triangulation and analysis techniques using interactive models. The results of the study show that collaborative governance in the management of plastic waste banks has been carried out through four stages, namely assessment, initiation, deliberation, and implementation. The process of collaborative governance begins with the process of assessment or identification, carrying out plastic waste management involving several stakeholders. Next is the initiation process, conducting deliberations which were attended by stakeholders. Then the stages of deliberation through deliberation and dialogue to reach agreement between stakeholders in collaborating and the last stages of implementation carried out by all stakeholders in accordance with the assigned division of tasks. Collaboration in the management of plastic waste banks is still semiformal, which is only based on the commitment of the stakeholders involved.

Keywords: collaborative governance, management of plastic waste banks

How to Cite
HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; JAHRO, Siti. COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PLASTIC WASTE BANKS IN PASURUAN REGENCY EAST JAVA PROVINCE. Regional Dynamic: Journal of Policy and Business Science, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, sep. 2019. ISSN 2722-9343. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 mar. 2025. doi:

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