Perancangan dan Simulasi Mobil Bertenaga Udara Tekan dengan Matlab™ Simulink

  • Andi Setiawan University of Jember


In this paper, discussed the results of the development model of small car with compressed air propulsion (CAC). Modelling components of the compressed air system of the car is based on the characteristics of the existing industrial components. Model testing was carried out as a common test performed on vehicle models with alternative energy. In addition, it also presented a comparison fuel economy of a car driven by compressed air with several types of vehicles with a similar size from several manufacturers. The simulation results showed that the car with compressed air propulsion has MPGe value of 7.6, slightly higher than conventional cars in general.

Author Biography

Andi Setiawan, University of Jember
Electrical Engineering dept. Engineering faculty. University of Jember
How to Cite
SETIAWAN, Andi. Perancangan dan Simulasi Mobil Bertenaga Udara Tekan dengan Matlab™ Simulink. Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 3, dec. 2015. ISSN 2443-2318. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 jan. 2025.