Crabs in Bandealit Estuary Resort of Meru Betiri National Park

The Identification of Crab in Bandealit Estuary Resort of Meru Betiri National Park

  • Galuh Paramita University of Jember
  • Wachju Subchan University of Jember
  • Vendi Eko Susilo University of Jember


Crabs are macrobenthos with characters that are attached to or resting on a base or live on basic sediments. The role of crabs in the ecosystem includes converting nutrients and enhancing mineralization, increasing the distribution of oxygen in the soil, helping carbon life cycles, and providing natural food for various types of aquatic biota. This research was conducted in the estuary area of ​​the Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) Resort Bandealit. Identification results from 37 individual crabs at the Estuary Resort Bandealit Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) obtained 5 species from 2 families (Portunidae and Sesarmidae). In the family Portunidae, there are 3 types, namely Scylla tranquebarica, Scylla paramamosain, and Scylla olivacea. Whereas in the family Sesarmidae found 2 types, namely Parasesarma pictum and Parasesarma cognatum.

Keywords: Crab, Bandealit Resort, Identification

Author Biography

Galuh Paramita, University of Jember

The Identification of Crab in Bandealit Estuary Resort of Meru Betiri National Park

Galuh Paramita1, Wachju Subchan2, Vendi Eko Susilo3

Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Jember

Jl. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121



Crabs are macrobenthos with characters that are attached to or resting on a base or live on basic sediments. The role of crabs in the ecosystem includes converting nutrients and enhancing mineralization, increasing the distribution of oxygen in the soil, helping carbon life cycles, and providing natural food for various types of aquatic biota. This research was conducted in the estuary area of ​​the Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) Resort Bandealit. Identification results from 37 individual crabs at the Estuary Resort Bandealit Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) obtained 5 species from 2 families (Portunidae and Sesarmidae). In the family Portunidae, there are 3 types, namely Scylla tranquebarica, Scylla paramamosain, and Scylla olivacea. Whereas in the family Sesarmidae found 2 types, namely Parasesarma pictum and Parasesarma cognatum.

Keywords: Crab, Bandealit Resort, Identification


   Indonesia is a country with abundant natural resources. Its natural potential starts from the sea, land, and contained in the Indonesian earth (Zulkarnain, et al., 2013). The total area of ​​Indonesian waters covers 75% of the surface divided into two main categories, namely freshwater ecosystems and seawater ecosystems. Of the two aquatic ecosystems, seawater has the largest share of more than 97%, the rest is fresh water which is very important for humans to live their activities (Barus, 1996 in Yazwar). The dominating sea area causes Indonesia's coastal and marine areas to have the largest marine biodiversity and biodiversity in the world (Silulu, et al., 2013).

Coastal ecosystems have areas that are constantly inundated and some are only for a moment. Based on the nature of the ecosystem, coastal ecosystems can be natural (natural) or artificial (manmade). Natural ecosystems in coastal areas include coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, sandy beaches, rocky beaches, rocky beaches, escape formations, Barrington formations, lagoons, lagoons, delta, and estuary. While artificial ecosystems include: ponds, tidal paddy fields, tourism areas, industrial areas and residential areas (Narwan, 2011).

The estuary is one of the coastal ecosystems with semi-closed waters that is free of contact with the sea and is still under the influence of freshwater from rivers so that seawater with high salinity can be mixed with freshwater (Dyer, 1986). The existence of a continuous flow of fresh water from rivers as well as the movement of water due to tidal currents that lift minerals, organic matter and sediments are the basic ingredients that can support the productivity of waters in the estuary region that exceeds the productivity of the high seas and freshwater waters (Bengen, 2004).

Estuary aquatic environment is a nutrient-rich environment which is the most important element for phytoplankton growth. This has become a special character in the estuary ecosystem. As a region that is very rich in nutrients (nutrient) estuary is known as the nursery ground for fish, invertebrate (Crab, Bivalve, Echinoderms, Annelida) (Begen, 2002). Crabs are macrobenthos with characters that are attached to or resting on a basis or live on basic sediments (Hariyanto, et al., 2008). Polluted waters will affect the survival of macrobenthos because macrobenthos is aquatic organisms that are easily affected by the presence of pollutants, both physical and chemical pollutants. Crab has an important as a bioindicator of water quality because of its relatively permanent habitat. Changes in the quality of aquatic ecosystems and substrates will affect the abundance and diversity of crabs and other biotas (Sembiring, 2008; Purnami, et al., 2010; Worm, et al. 2012).

Crabs have a role as a key species (keystone species) in nature. Key species (keystone species) are species that have an impact on the diversity of other biota and their extinction will cause the extinction of other biotas (Menge, et al., 2001). The role of crabs in the ecosystem includes converting nutrients and enhancing mineralization, increasing the distribution of oxygen in the soil, helping carbon life cycles, and providing natural food for various types of aquatic biota (Prianto, 2007).

Soedibjo and Aswandy in their 2007 study in Teluk Besar, the type of crab obtained were the species that lived in the Gilimanuk estuary area, succeeded in getting 13 types of crabs from 5 tribes/families. This partly means that the mangrove and estuarine areas of West Bali National Park have a high level of diversity of crab species (Soedibjo and Aswandy, 2007). In contrast to research Putriningtias, et al. In the 2013 mangrove tracking of the Karimunjawa National Park, four species of crab consisting of four families (Grapsidae, Ocypodidae, Macrophthalmidae, and Portunidae) mean that diversity is included in the low criteria H '= <1. This means that crabs are disturbed by the environmental quality and difficult to adapt to existing environmental conditions (Putriningtias, et al., 2014).

Identification data for the Meru Betiri National Park shows flora of 518 species, consisting of 15 protected species and 503 unprotected species. In the Meru Betiri National Park area, 217 species of fauna have been identified, consisting of 92 protected species and 115 unprotected species. Consists of 25 species of mammals (18 of which are protected), 8 reptiles (6 of which are protected), and 184 species of birds (68 of which are protected) (Meru Betiri National Park Office, 2002). However, there is no data on the diversity of crabs, so researchers need to identify crabs in the Estuary Resort Bandealit TNMB area to determine the potential wealth of crabs that lead to conservation policies and provide additional information about various types of crabs found in the Estuary Resort Bandealit TNMB area. In addition, the results of identification of crabs in the region can be compiled as popular scientific books so as to provide insight into the general public.










Place and time of research

                The location of the study was conducted at the Estuary of Bandealit Beach, Meru Betiri National Park. It will be held on December 2018 until February 2019.

Tools and Materials

The tools used in this study were traps, storage boxes, Hanna pH meters, Atago refractometers, digital cameras, stationery, rulers, and reference books for crab identification, namely living marine resources of the western central pacific (Kent E. Carpenter, 1998). The materials used in this study were crab samples, millimeter paper, plastic bags, raffia ropes, label paper, and lemuru fish as crab bait.

Data Collection Techniques

   Crabs are caught using traps and handpicking for crabs found at sandy sampling points. Crab sampling is done by purposive sampling and road sampling methods. Before observing crabs first, measure the abiotic factor. Abiotic factors were observed in the form of water pH, water salinity, and type of substrate. Observation of abiotic factors at all six stations was carried out at the same time. After observing the abiotic factor then observing the crab trapped in the trap as well as being caught using a handnet.

The technique for taking crabs using Bubu is as follows:

1) Open the trap and put the bait in the trap, then close the trap. Inside the trap, there is a door that functions when the crab enters it will be trapped inside the trap. 2) Take crabs trapped in the installed traps. 3) A crab that is taken immediately cleaned with water and stored in a plastic tub labeled for later preserved with 70% alcohol, then identified in the Laboratory of Biology Study Program at the University of Jember.











Figure 1.1 Map of the Distribution of Crab Habitat in the Estuary of the Meru Betiri National Park


                The results of the identification of Crabs at the Estuary Resort Bandealit Meru Betiri National Park conducted in March 2019 found 5 species (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1 Results of identification of crabs in the Bandealit Resort Estuary at Meru Betiri National Park








Scylla tranquebarica




Scylla paramamosain




Scylla olivacea




Parasesarma pictum




Parasesarma cognatum


The identification of crab samples obtained refers to the book "The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific Volume 2. Cephalopods, Crustaceans, Holothurians and Sharks" (Carpenter, 1998) and "Data collection protocols for mangrove crabs, Scylla Serrata, Indonesia" (Community Foundation Indonesian Fisheries, 2017).

   Based on Table 4.1, the classification, pictures, and description of crabs found at the Estuary Resort Bandealit Meru Betiri National Park are as follows.

1)            Scylla tranquebarica

Phylum  : Arthropoda

Class      : Malacostraca

Ordo       : Decapoda

Family   : Portunidae

Genus     : Scylla

Species   : Scylla tranquebarica

(a) (b)

Figure 1.2 (a) Scylla tranquebarica appears dorsal; (b) Scylla tranquebarica appears to be ventral (Source: Personal Document).


                Scylla tranquebarica is only found at station one with a muddy substrate, these crabs are female. Scylla tranquebarica is brownish red, Scylla tranquebarica has an oval-shaped carapace, carapace width 12 cm and this type of crab can have a carapace width of up to 20 cm and has nine sharp spines along the edge of the carapace and also on the leg joints. Carapace ridges are usually dark orange / brown and chela can be orange/red, with a visible H-shaped groove. Scylla tranquebarica has a hefty chela. The carpus has two sharp spines and the propondus spine is shiny, while the frontal lobe is dull and has a medium height.

2)            Scylla paramamosain

Phylum  : Arthropoda

Class      : Malacostraca

Ordo       : Decapoda

Family   : Portunidae

Genus     : Scylla

Species   :Scylla paramamosain (Estampador, 1950)

Distribution: Southeast Asia, especially in the north coast of the South China Sea and parts of Java

6 cm


  • (b)


Scylla paramamosain is only found at station two with a muddy substrate, these crabs are male. This crab has a carapace width of 12 cm, elongated round shape and somewhat convex, with a visible H-shaped groove. On the left and right anterolateral edges of the carapace, or in the branchial region, there are nine spines of varying shape and sharpness. While on the front of the carapace, or in the gastric region, right between the two eyestalks, there are six sturdy spines on the top, and two sturdy spines on the bottom left and right. The first pair of spines on the left and right anterolateral parts of the carapace, as well as two pairs of spines on the top and bottom of the carapace, are in a position around the eye socket, and serve to protect the eye. Carapace backs vary from purple/green to brown/black. This Scylla paramamosain has a hefty chela. Carpus spines are clear but not as sharp as Scylla tranquebarica, medium frontal lobe spines and are triangular with straight edges.


3)            Scylla olivacea

Phylum  : Arthropoda

Class      : Malacostraca

Ordo       : Decapoda

Family   : Portunidae

Genus     : Scylla

Species   : Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796)

Distribution           : Southeast Asia, especially in the Sunda Islands

Habitat  : Specimens collected from estuarine ecosystems dominated by Rhizophora sp. with mud substrate.


  • (b)



                Scylla olivacea is only found in station three with a muddy substrate, these crabs are male. Scylla olivacea has a carapace width of 12 cm. Scylla olivacea can reach a carapace width of 18 cm. Carapace reddish black and orange / red chela. Scylla olivacea has an elongated round carapace and there is a visible H-shaped groove. Scylla olivacea has nine sharp spines along the edge of the carapace's back and also in the leg joints. Scylla olivacea has a large and strong chela, does not have a pattern of spotting on the swimming legs and arm claws. The chela on Scylla olivacea is brick red. In Scylla olivacea there are reddish-brown lines on almost all parts of the body including the chela except the stomach. The spines on the propondus are small and reduced while the carpus spines are clear but not as sharp as Scylla paramamosain, the thorns of the frontal lobes are medium and triangular with a straight edge.


4). Parasesarma pictum

Phylum  : Arthropoda

Class      : Malacostraca

Ordo       : Decapoda

Family   : Sesarmidae

Genus     : Parasesarma

Species   : Parasesarma pictum (De Haan, 1835)

Distribution: East Asia

Habitat  : Specimens collected from estuarine ecosystems dominated by Rhizophora sp. with sandy substrate.


  • (b)


Parasesarma pictum is found at stations four, five and six, male sex with a carapace length of 2 cm. This Parasesarma pictum has a square-shaped carapace. The carapace surface has a clear, smooth division area, and there are short scattered setae. There is a shallow frontal margin in the middle, a notched front with a slightly concave center. The chalice is covered with scaly tubercles that disappear with increasing age of the crab and several short (hair) setae. The inside of the crab chela has a fine texture, although there are many protuberances and patterns on the legs of the road. The upper part (merus) of the foot of the Parasesarma pictum road is relatively broad from the lower limbs.


5). Parasesarma cognatum

Phylum  : Arthropoda

Class      : Malacostraca

Ordo       : Decapoda

Family   : Sesarmidae

Genus     : Parasesarma

Species   : Parasesarma cognatum (Rahayu & J-J Li,  2013)

Distribution: East Asia, Taiwan, and the Philippines

Habitat  : Specimens collected from estuarine ecosystems dominated by Rhizophora sp. with sandy substrate..


  • (b)


Parasesarma cognatum was found at stations four, five and six of male sex with a carapace length of 2 cm. The carapace is square and separated by a clear groove, a notched-out two-sided front with a slightly concave center. There is a short setae along the edge of the carapace. The carapace surface has a clear, smooth division of the area, the gastric region is visible, and the branchial region has a prominent line. This Parasesarma cognatum lateral surface is coated with strong sloping striae, whereas on the dorsal surface it has many short setae beams, lateral margins with short setae. The postfrontal region is separated into four lobes by narrow and deep grooves and at a median lobe that is the same width as the lateral lobe.




Crabs found at the Estuary Resort Bandealit Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB), there are 5 types of 2 families (Portunidae and Sesarmidae). In the family portunidae there are 3 types, namely Scylla tranquebarica, Scylla paramamosain, and Scylla olivacea. Whereas in the family Sesarmidae found 2 types, namely Parasesarma pictum and Parasesarma cognatum.




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How to Cite
PARAMITA, Galuh; SUBCHAN, Wachju; SUSILO, Vendi Eko. Crabs in Bandealit Estuary Resort of Meru Betiri National Park. BIOEDUKASI, [S.l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. 15-20, apr. 2020. ISSN 2580-0094. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025. doi:

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