• Ida Srisurani Wiji Astuti


An American study (Nawal,M. 2008) said
that“Approximately 529,000 women die from
pregnancy-related causes annually and almost all
(99%) of these maternal deaths occur in
developing nations. One of the United Nations’
Millennium Development Goals is to reduce the
maternal mortality rate by 75% by 2015. Causes of
maternal mortality include postpartum
hemorrhage, eclampsia, obstructed labor, and
sepsis. Many developing nations lack adequate
health care and family planning, and pregnant
women have minimal access to skilled labor and
emergency care. Basic emergency obstetric
interventions, such as antibiotics, oxytocics,
anticonvulsants, manual removal of placenta, and
instrumented vaginal delivery, are vital to improve
the chance of survival.”
Nationally, East Java province occupies the top five
the rising trend in maternal mortality continues to
occur in East Java. There were 487 cases in 2008,
535 cases in 2009, 598 cases in 2010 and 627 cases
in2011. The area of ‘Tapal Kuda’ contributes the
highest maternal mortality rate, particularly
Jember, Banyuwangi, Situbondo, Bondowoso, and
Lumajang. Based on data from Health Profile of
East Java Province in 2011, Jember occupied the
top rank of 38 regencies/cities in East Java. 54
cases of maternal death illustrate the poor state. It
can be said that for four consecutive years (2008-
2011), Jember Regency had not shifted from the
first rank (Dinkes Propinsi Jatim, 2012).
In 2012, from January 1st until December 31th
Soebandi hospital noted that 423 mothers with
preeclampsia which 319 were severe preeclampsia
(Adawiyah, 2014).
Perinatal outcome assessment could be done by
using Apgar Score (AS). Less value AS which baby
detected in the first minute did not endorse the
out come in the future. A retrospective research
concluding that AS in the early five minute still
being important predictor for neonatal deaths, but
it cannot use to know about long life outcome. In
other data, amount 13.399 the premature baby
(less than 26-36 week) revealed neonatal deaths
higher ( 315/ 1000) with AS 0-3 in the first minute
than ( 5/1000 ) with AS 5-7 in the early five
minutes (Brian, M, et al. 2014).
Equal to the imunologic theory by Sudhaberata
(2001), due to the mother on the first pregnant will
be formed blocking antibodies. In other side, in the
first pregnant being performed Human Leucocyte
Antigen Protein G (HLA) which conducted maternal
imunity. This can make mother rejects product of
conception (placenta) or being intolerated
between mother and placenta wich can conduct
preeclampsia. Beside that, Desfauza (2008)
claimed that any relationship significantly between
quantity of give birth with asphyxia of the newborn
baby. Data showed mother with 1 - >3 times give
birth ( 60,5% asphyxia) more higher risk than 2 – 3
times give birth (36,7% asphyxia).
Gestational nutritional status very important to
reach well being health status for mother and
baby. Women with low body mass index can get
negative effect when labor such as preterm and
low weight body of the baby (Papathakis, 2005).
Conversely, the women with over BMI gets more
high risk in gestational such as abortion, labor with
sectio caesare, preeclampsia, trombosis, perinatal
deaths, and macrosomia (Yu, 2006).
How to Cite
ASTUTI, Ida Srisurani Wiji. ANALYSIS OF FACTORS THAT RELATED MATERNAL SEVERE PREECLAMPSIA TO THE ASPHYXIA OF NEW BORN BABY IN SOEBANDI HOSPITAL JEMBER REGENCY. UNEJ e-Proceeding, [S.l.], p. 130-132, jan. 2017. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 apr. 2024.