• Mury Ririanty
  • Thohirun Thohirun
  • Iken Nafikadini


Data from Jember District Health Office of 2004 until
December 2015 retrospective case series of HIV and
AIDS reach 2309. The risk factors of HIV and AIDS are
highest, heterosexual (2007 people), Gay (155),
injecting drug users (57 people), perinatal (66).
Blood transfusion (4) and bisexual (2 people). While
the group of age with HIV and AIDS is highest
productive age is the age of 25-49 years, 20-24
years, 15-19 years. Looking at the data above can be
seen that the greatest number of cases that are in
the productive age and heterosexual. Heterosexual
activity can occur through sexual behavior. While
heterosexual actors not only in pair remains could
also be on the couple did not stay so can be called as
a free sex. The perpetrators are non-sexual is not
only found in locations diinikasikan as a place of
prostitution although the county Jember. Certain
jobs in the informal sector can not be denied
contributor numbers of cases of HIV and AIDS. Like
as Female Sex Workers either directly or indirectly.
Heterosexual activity can occur through sexual
behavior. While heterosexual actors not only in pair
remains could also be on the couple did not stay so
can be called as free sex. The perpetrators are nonsexual
is not only found in locations like a
prostitution. And Dakocan one of informal sector.
This is because the work activities that are in a
coffee stall selling coffee and peddle an informal
The phenomenon of "Ngobar" or drinking coffee
together that appears to be a new history that has
been reconstructed, not just the level of social
orientation, aesthetic pattern and a distinctive style,
but now more and more functions get their own
space in the hearts of people of various ages from
teenagers to the elderly. In addition to affordable,
aesthetic value "coffee together" is also a form of
entertainment that is irreplaceable from public life.
Coffee culture, especially drinking together is not
only in Indonesia whose territory coffee
manufacturers such as Tulung, Aceh, Jogjakarta,
Ponorogo, Bali and various other areas but has
penetrated almost all areas especially crowded
because of his public activity included in Jember.
Coffee is not just a hobby or pleasure alone, inside
frequent exchange of information and discourse,
even common knowledge development cooperation
agreements ranging from advanced appointment
until contract signature that produce economic
value. [Thohirun et all, Proceedings Symposium of
National A Health Communication]. There are many
contributing factors causing this culture grown to
include activities other than just drinking coffee
especially sex activities. These factors can also be
formed reciprocally.
According to psychologist Albert Bandura, reciprocal
determinism is a model composed of three factors
that influence behavior: the environment, the
individual, and the behavior itself. Essentially,
Bandura believes that an individual's behavior
influences and is influenced by both the social world
and personal characteristics [Bandura, Social
learning theory]. The environmental component is
made up of the physical surroundings around the
individual that contain potentially reinforcing stimuli,
including people who are present (or absent). The
environment influences the intensity and frequency
of the behavior, just as the behavior it self can have
an impact on the environment. The individual
component includes all the characteristics that have
been rewarded in the past. Personality and cognitive
factors play an important part in how a person
behaves, including all of the individual's
expectations, beliefs, and unique personality
characteristics. And finally, the behavior itself is
something that may or may not be reinforced at any
given time or situation. So, Based on the preliminary
study, the researchers have wanted to analyze how
determinant reciprocal of dakocan. And this reason
as well as the aim of this study.
How to Cite
RIRIANTY, Mury; THOHIRUN, Thohirun; NAFIKADINI, Iken. RECIPROCAL DETERMINISM "DAKOCAN" CHALLENGE EFFORTS TO REDUCE HIV AND AIDS CASES IN JEMBER DISTRICT. UNEJ e-Proceeding, [S.l.], p. 195-199, jan. 2017. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.