Risiko Usaha dan Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Olahan Berbahan Dasar Ikan “UD Diana Indah” di Desa Gelung Kecamatan Panarukan Kabupaten situbondo

  • Primasari Puspitaningrum Universitas Jember
  • Ati Kusmiati Universitas Jember


Fisheries sub-sector is one of the sub-sectors that has a strategic role in
national development because the potential of Indonesia's natural resources as the largest
maritime country with fishery resources that the number is relatively large and scattered
almost throughout the Indoneisa region. The research is aimed to know 1) Income of
agroindustry "UD Diana Indah" in harvest season and famine season, 2) the risk of
agroindustry "UD Diana Indah" in harvest season and famine, 3) development strategy
on fish-based agroindustry of "UD Diana Indah". The research method used descriptive
and analytical. The sampling method was chosen by non probability sampling technique
of purposive sampling. Data analysis used income analysis, risk analysis and Force Field
Analysis (FFA). The results showed 1) Average monthly income that received by ―UD.
Diana Indah", in its activities to produce fish rengginang in harvest season of 2017
which is Rp. 4.852.264 and famine Rp. 1.347.819. Fish cracker products have an average
monthly income in 2017 harvest season of Rp. 1.256.049 and famine season of Rp.
175.611. 2) The Production process of fish rengginang both in harvest-famine season and
fish cracker in harvest season has a very small risk level with value of coefficient variation
< 0.5 respectively of 0.45, 0,22. and 0,44 and the lowerbound of profit or value of L >0,
respectively of Rp. 525.098, Rp. 556.051 and Rp. 29.218 which means in every
production process of fish rengginang, no chance of losing from production process. The
production of fish crackers during the famine season has a greater risk level with the
value of coefficient variation > 0.5 that is equal to 0,79 and lowerbound of profit < 0 is Rp
– 517.157 which means that the production process of fish crackers during the famine
season has a chance in losing from every production process 3) focus strategy which is
determined by agroindustry of "UD. Diana Indah" by partnering with several fishermen
who located in Situbondo and optimally use the government support in increasing
production and productivity in terms of quality and quantity of fish rengginang and fish

How to Cite
PUSPITANINGRUM, Primasari; KUSMIATI, Ati. Risiko Usaha dan Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Olahan Berbahan Dasar Ikan “UD Diana Indah” di Desa Gelung Kecamatan Panarukan Kabupaten situbondo. UNEJ e-Proceeding, [S.l.], may 2019. Available at: <https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/prosiding/article/view/10653>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.