@article{PP, author = {Rahma Azizah and P pujiastuti and Slamet Hariyadi}, title = { STRATEGI MENUMBUHKAN KEMAMPUAN SISWA MENGKONSTRUKSI PETA KONSEP SEBAGAI PENUNJANG PENGUATAN MEMORY SKILL SISWA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR BIOLOGI SUBKONSEP PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN (Siswa Kelas VII-A Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 SMPN 1 Bondowoso)}, journal = {Pancaran Pendidikan}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, year = {2014}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Abstract.Learning strategy is a learning activity that should be done byteachers andstudents in such away the learning objectives can be achieved effectively and effeciently. Concept map is used to assist the students in organizing the learning concept based on the relation between its components. Memory becomes very important in human cognitive process due to the function in recalling the events, while the result study is a result from the interaction in the learning process. This classroom action research purposes to determine the usage of concept map strategies that can be used to support the sudents’ memory skills and also improve the students’ achievementin the subconcepts of environmental pollution. Based on the result, it concludes that the usage of concept maps support the strategies in the students’ memory skills with the increase of the resultup to 19.13% from the first cycle to the second cycle, and its also increase the students’ biology score up to 11.11%, its seen from the level of completeness students’ achievementfrom the first cycle to the second cycle. Keywords:Concept map strategy, Memory skills, Students’ achievement.}, pages = {21--30}, url = {https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/pancaran/article/view/759} }