@article{PP, author = {Siti Nurhayati and Didik Pambudi and Dinawati Trapsilasiwi}, title = { PENGEMBANGAN PERANGKAT PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA POKOK BAHASAN GARIS GARIS PADA SEGITIGA MELALUI PENDEKATAN KETERAMPILAN PROSES BERDASARKAN METODE DISCOVERY LEARNING DI KELAS VIII SMP}, journal = {Pancaran Pendidikan}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, year = {2014}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Abstract:The research aims to know process and result of developing of mathematics learning intruments through process skillapproach based on discovery learning method forspecial lines within triangle topic at eightgrade ofjunior high school. The research development modelrefers to4D Thiagarajan models. The subject of research is students of VIII acceleration class SMPN 2 Jember in even semester academic year 2012-2013. Student’s activities of research is found a few concepts and formulas with some principles of process skill approach through observing, classifying, predicting, analyzing variables, and conclusing. The data of research are obtained by validation sheet, observation sheet of teacher and students activities, questionnaire, and evaluation test.The products of this research are lesson plan, student handbook, worksheet, and evaluation test.The result shows that the learning instrumentsqualifies validity, practical, and effective criteria. Key Words: Process skill approach, discovery learning method, special lines within triangle}, pages = {83--92}, url = {https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/pancaran/article/view/746} }