@article{PP, author = {Hamim Ma’ruf and Annur Rofiq and Siti Sundari}, title = { IMPROVING CLASS VIII A STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ACHIEVEMENT BY GIVING VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL REINFORCEMENT AT SMPN 1 SUKOWONO JEMBER IN THE 2011/2012 ACADEMIC YEAR}, journal = {Pancaran Pendidikan}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, year = {2013}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Abstract.This classroom action research was intended to improveclass VIII A students’ speaking achievement at SMPN 1 Sukowono. There are 37 students and most of them have difficulty in speaking English.To solve the problems, the researcher used reinforcement. The form of reinforcement was verbal and non-verbal reinforcement. The result in the first cycle showed 70.27% of the students were active in the first meeting and 75.67% of the students were active in the second meeting.There were 67.5% of the students achieved ≥65 in speaking test. Dealing with the results, it was necessary to continue the action to the second cycle.In the second cycle, 81% of the students were active in the first meeting and 83.78% of the students were active in the second meeting, and 78.37%of the students got ≥65 in speaking test. It means that the minimum requirement percentage of the students who got ≥65 had been achieved in cycle II.Thus, teaching speaking by giving verbal and non-verbal reinforcement could improve the students’ active participation and their speaking achievement in two cycles. Key Words: verbal and non-verbal reinforcement, speaking achievement, student’s participation }, pages = {65--76}, url = {https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/pancaran/article/view/702} }