@article{PP, author = {Nur Aini and Dwi Wahyuni and Slamet Hariyadi}, title = { PENINGKATAN ACADEMIC SKILL DAN HASIL BELAJAR BIOLOGI MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN ARIAS (ASSURANCE, RELEVANCE, INTEREST, ASSESSMENT, AND SATISFACTION) SISWA KELAS VII SMP ISLAM AL-MA’ARIF REJOAGUNG SRONO BANYUWANGI TAHUN AJARAN 2011/2012}, journal = {Pancaran Pendidikan}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, year = {2013}, keywords = {}, abstract = {Abstract : Academic ability is a description of students' level of knowledge or ability of a material that has been studied. The research method used is learning model ARIAS treatment. This study aims to determine the increase of the learning outcomes of biology. The resuls show that academic skills of students increased from low to medium or good and well improve of the 26%. The results of biological studies also increased in pre-cycle to cycle of 8% and from cycle I to cycle II at 26%. It can be concluded that the ARIAS learning model can increase students’ academic skill and biology result. Key Words : ARIAS method, academic skills, and learning outcomes }, pages = {131--140}, url = {https://jurnal.unej.ac.id/index.php/pancaran/article/view/669} }